Hey yall I am looking for a group of 1-3 players who would like to beat the campaign from start to finish on Legendary. By start, i mean from the first cut scene... I will also be getting all of the skulls. I do not know when I will be doing this, as i cannot play today, tomorrow, well basically i can't play until next weekend. GT: Krootalus I live in California. GMT: -7 i believe. add me if you want to do this or send me a message. peace
I'd be glad to help you, but like you said, I'm not free until next weekend either. How convenient! GT: EpicFishFingers
Yay, achievements and armour here i come... GT: ORANG3 BL0B ('o' is a zero = 0 ) I only recently got hayabusa armour because my xbox got fixed, oh but wait, campaign don't work for me no more :'( maybe if i get another xbox