Sandbox Sandstrocity

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Asthetik, Mar 14, 2009.

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  1. Asthetik

    Asthetik Ancient
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    #1 Asthetik, Mar 14, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2009
  2. Asthetik

    Asthetik Ancient
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    Srry for got to add that v2 will have a base for the capturers, in v1 its only a wall.

    Senior Member

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    Well. It is very empty, the only good structure is the temple. Even that needs only has one way up. Doesn't seem like It took long as its only got one gametype. Also I can see you havn't even deleted the old capture point, shown half way up your ramp in picture 1.

  4. AssassinChao

    AssassinChao Ancient
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    well... if the v2 will have another temple then it will hopefully be better... and i would also add another structure in the middle just to spice the gameplay up a little

    for example: if there is a sniper on the map, you could camp at one base and snipe off the ppl on the other base with a perfect line of sight, with a structure there u wouldnt have that perfect line of sight, you would actually have to walk around to get a good LoS...

    and try not to double post just edit ur original post :)

    hopefully if v2 lives up to wat u say it will, ill dl v2
  5. faceplanter7774

    faceplanter7774 Ancient
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    looks to wide open, i suggest you make a middle structure in the map instead of placing random items all over the place
  6. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Please please please don't do this. If you just want preliminary opinions of your map, either post a preview thread in forge discussion, or the better option would be to ask for the Testers Guild(my sig) to test it with you and offer an opinion.

    Your map looks like a great start, but there's no reason for it to be clogging up the map forum yet when there are other places where you can post unfinished maps for opinions. Don't open yourself up to negative criticism before you've got the best map you know how to make on your own.
  7. iRaynne

    iRaynne Ancient
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    The Nilly Review

    First off, I wanna say that the aesthetics for the little pyramid itself is nicely done. When me and a couple of friends tested this out, that's what we liked the most, and to be a little blunt, It didn't go far past there. Here I divided the ratings into sections:

    Aesthetics: Probably the least important in a competitive map, the aesthetic-ness of a map can greatly determine the factor of people downloading your map. The pyramid is a great addition, and it does add to the sandbox making-culture. However the random clutter everywhere greatly degrades the attraction to the pyramid. Its just a bunch of random stuff everywhere. I'd suggest making something like bunkers out of wedges and half-walls to make it a little more neat. Aesthetic rating: 6.2/10

    Balance: Bluntly said, there isn't much. The attackers are pretty much screwed from the beginning; at the very least I'd take the turret off the temple. The cover does give the attackers the greatly needed resistance, but the second they turn the corner, they have 20 turret bullets in them. Try giving the attacker one or two power weapons; a sniper would probably work well as an anti-turret gun. Balance Rating:

    Originality and Fun: Pyramids definetly not uncommon in the Sandbox forge-making community. The feature I like the most on top of your pyramid is the little temple structure, I'll give you that as an originality bonus. As for the random clutter sitting in front of the map, not so much. Again, try making something more original and neat in the front to appeal to downloaders. This map is fun --- if you're the defenders. The attackers probably have the most frustrating time getting to the base, and then when they actually have the flag, they get show down anyway. There definetly needs to be a little more balance between those classes. Otherwise, DEFENSE! ftw. Orig./Fun Rating:



    For fun defensive layout, and added temple originality, but lack of offensive aesthetics and gameplay.

    Keep these things in mind for a v2 and it should come out great.

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