Sandbox Dead Heat

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by WREX, Mar 14, 2009.

  1. WREX

    WREX Ancient
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    Dead Heat
    Download Link


    Overview 1

    I made this map on 3/3/09 and the basic structures took about 16 hours of "forge-time."

    You may ask "What has taken so long for you to post it?"
    My answer is "Testing."

    This map has been tested in, out, and all around. I don't have a lot of time to spend on testing "at-a-time" and that is why the testing has been so prolonged. Not to mention that I am "picky" about my maps.

    Finally I present you with Dead Heat. The name comes from the synonym, Standoff. I am not suggesting that it plays like Standoff, just that it is symmetrical in the sense that Standoff is. I also thought that it fit the desert landscape. :)

    This map has 2 Bases, 6 "houses" on the sides of the street, and 2 side alleys. Each house is unique. Some house Maulers or Carbines, others have equipment such as Power Drainers, a Bubble Shield, or a Regenerator.

    Overview 2

    Behind Base Mow-Down


    Blue Cap
    Dune Snipe



    Flag Beatdown



    Sniper View

    Red Cap



    Weapons Load-out:
    (1 in each base, 1 extra clip, 120 sec respawn)
    Rocket(1 in the center of the Street, no extra clips, 150sec respawn)
    (2, 1 extra clip, 120 sec respawn)
    Mauler(2, 1 extra clip, 120 sec respawn)
    Carbine(4, 2 clips, 30 sec)
    Brute Shot(2
    , 2 clips, 30 sec)
    Battle Rifle(8, 2 clips, 15 sec)
    Assault Riffle
    (1 in each base)
    Plasma Rifle(1 in each base)
    SMG(1 in each base)
    Needler(1 in each base)
    Missile Pod(1 in each base)

    Warthog x2
    Mongoose x4

    Overshield(placed down one alley, with 180 sec respawn) x1
    (placed down the other alley, with 180 sec respawn) x1
    Power Drainer x2
    Bubble Shield x1
    Regenerator x1
    Grav Lift x2

    Made For:
    Team Slayer
    Multi-Flag CTF

    Supports ALL default gametypes.

    Special Thanks to RebornYeti, Desolate Dingo, AZN FTW, pvilleplayer, and all the other people who help test this map with me. :)

    Download Dead Heat
  2. Skarrow

    Skarrow Ancient
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    Looks like a great map, I love how you weren't afraid to make it asymetrical but still managed to balance it out. I would've liked more screenshots of that little town in the middle though.
  3. WREX

    WREX Ancient
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    If you look closely in the screenshots, you will seen that the middle "houses" are pictured quite well. You just have to look for 'em.

    And Thx
  4. ChaosTheArbiter

    ChaosTheArbiter Ancient
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    i must say ctf is my favorite game type and it apears that you did it justice. i love the two bases and the middle structures look like they add a nice feel to it. this is a very good map to be asymetrical and balenced that takes skill and dude you have it. keep up the good work
  5. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    Being a person that literally watched him build this map - minus the time where I fell asleep lol, I know the way around this map like the back of my hand.

    First, I'd like to say it is very good for both Slayer and CTF. I have yet to play Assault, or anything else, but it's definitely a keeper if you're a CTF fan.

    The only problem that we have run into (and for some reason we can't fix it) is these certain times where if you kill an enemy while in his own base, he has a chance to spawn right back in the base.. even if you're still inside it. It doesn't hurt it a whole lot, but it does get annoying sometimes.. especially in CTF when the Flag is away. :p

    But Overall, I give this map 4.5/5

    .5 is deducted for the minor spawn issue.

    Senior Member

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    Has he set Away spawn areas for each time. This may fix your spawn issue.

    The map looks awesome, but from the pictures it has on long stretch through the middle with structures at the side. Like a road. The issue I have is with it being symettrical, because of the varying structures in the middle.

  7. WREX

    WREX Ancient
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    I did fix it for the most part, and I have not encountered a time in CTF where it has done that. In Team Slayer, if a red guy is on top of Blue base and kills a blue guy, 95% of the time he spawns outside of the base.

    I do have away spawn areas, and they work well. The problem was that Red Guy was defending his base, and blue guy took his flag and then blue guys teammates spawned in the red base. That HAS been fixed, and was due to me not setting the spawn areas to be team specific, but it's all good now. Everything flows, and plays very well with Team Slayer, and CTF.
  8. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    Yeah, it doesn't happen in CTF, but earlier today when I was testing the spawning in Slayer, I was on top of the base, and I killed you, you would spawn somewhere below a lot of the time.

    But of course not all the time. He spawns outside of the base most of the time.

    Senior Member

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    Looks like my kind of map. Large, imposing, opposing bases. I like how you alternated the huge wedges in and out to form the walls of the bases, and the whole map looks like it would support vehicles very well. I'm definitely going to give this a DL and take a closer look. I'll try and get some games on it (glad you tested it so much, shows dedication) and get back to you with some more definitive comments. Cheers
  10. WREX

    WREX Ancient
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    Thank you. If you would like, you could send me a FR on LIVE to play some games with you. Gamertag=WREX 801

    And YES it does support vehicles quite well, thats why I chose the default layer to forge on, and thats why the middle street is so wide. The vehicles aren't overpowered either because of the Missile Pods, and Brute Shots, +you could combine Camo with Stickies FTW. :)
  11. Minime637

    Minime637 Ancient
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    Yeah this map looks great. i have always been a huge fan of asymetrical ctf maps they are awsomely chaotic and this map looks just like one of those maps!!
    okay now asthetically this map is rather impressive i like what you have done with the area between bases and each base looks really nice.i also like how you set the map up utilising the outer dunes of Sandbox and the rest of the map.
    overall construction is quite impressive as well a good use of many of the items and not a lot of interlocking, which is nice.
    i am downlaoding this map and playing it for sure.
    overall 5/5
  12. KUBLUH the forger

    Senior Member

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    i really love your layout on this map, it looks so smooth, im downloading this for sure!!!

    great job dude, 5/5
  13. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    The structures themselves on this map already have me interested. Even if the gameplay does not turn out to be good, I like the way you forged the buildings, and I may just have to take some inspiration from this map. Either way, I will do my best to get one or two games on this soon-ish, and be back with my impressions.
  14. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I really love the design of the opposing bases, it feels very fresh in comparison to other maps I've seen recently. However, the center of the map seems a bit to random for my taste. There doesn't seem to be any logical placement of objects there, other than needing cover.

    If you could somehow rework the center of the map to match the design of each base, you'd have a much more cohesive map design.

    Even still, the map seems to work in its current state. Like others have stated before me, its nice to see someone who has actually tested their map before posting itto the forums. Its that kind of dedication we need more of here.
  15. WREX

    WREX Ancient
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    Thanks. And there is logic to the 6 middle buildings. It is supposed to feel like you are walking down a street, so each of the "houses" are built differently on purpose. Not just to give cover.
  16. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    Dead heat is an overall interesting map. However, it definitely needs to make some changes about. Tiered bases are always fun bases. It gives the attackers/defenders a lot of room to move around. It is always challenging to get the objective from your opponent, because they have a height advantage. I also see some jumps that can get the attacker/defenders to the top tier of base. Which is good. However, I see the overall height of the bases to be the only high ground on the map.

    Overshield, camo, and rockets are all centralized power weapons which is good, because the middles of maps are usually the most risky. With the inclusion of the hogs, the center of this map is very deadly to go. However, the three paths leading to the bases lack movement progression. Which is allowing the player to move foward in a map towards a goal. Overshield and camo are very barren places to be. The center is one big path. Granted the sides with all the geometry provide some movement. I'll go on about the sides of the middle in a moment.

    We want to allow the player to feel safe in some areas when moving base to base. However,we want there to be an appropriate risk for a power weapon. We do not want the players to fear to come out of the bases, because two out of the three paths to the other base are wide open. Leaving players no where to go.

    Now the geometry in the middle, although somewhat interesting. Seems as if I'm jumping over hurdles to get to the other base. Now this geometry is one of the only places for players to go when traversing the map. So the gameplay in the center is centered on being in the ruins. Upon getting into the these ruins there is some equipment. Still these spaces feel constricted.

    What I like:

    • Tiered bases.
    • Cool geometry.
    What I don't like:

    • Lack of height(other than the bases)
    • Two very open paths.
    • Lack of Movement progression.
    • Middle ruins.


    • Stagger the middle ruins. Move each section a square ahead of the next.

    Like this:

    I-- I
    -I --I
    --I --I

    • Staggering the ruins like this creates spaces for players to use to progress foward.

    • The walls and wedges that create the walls for the middle ruins. Switch them up a bit. Make spaces players can move through on both sides. Again stagger these so there is some variation to them allowing players to move into the ruins from both sides.

    • Incorporate the over shield and camo into the ruins. Right now they seem very separate from the rest of the map.

    • Add some height to the ruins in the middle to give players another form of high ground.

    Final note:

    Overall the map is an interesting piece. Visually Dead Heat is a cool map. Gameplay wise the map is lacking the needed aspects to allow players to move forward in the map.
  17. WREX

    WREX Ancient
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    I have taken what you have said, and what others have said, and am working on a v2 as this is being typed. I really liked the staggering the ruins idea, and I have begun to do so, I also am looking to give the middle of the map some "height" or s second level to each set of ruins.

    When I read that this was mentioned as a "Hidden Gem" in the Forge Hub site Update, it really motivated me to bring out the full potential of this map. :)

  18. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    Alright, so I was recently shown SAINT's v2 of Dead Heat, and I must say that it is a lot better than the original. The bases are still exactly the same, but the middle of the level is where it shines.

    He completely demolished the middle and started from scratch. Now the houses don't seem as "random" and claustrophobic, but instead are very well done and give the players more ways to approach the enemy's base while still having tons of room and cover.

    Like SAINT said, each one of the new structures has a second level for which you can walk on and some of the structures provide tactical viewpoints, as well as important locations. Also, each building is unique in it's own way, so it gives the illusion that it's asymmetrical, when it's really not. ;)

    I haven't really played a match on it, but I can tell the fighting will be spread out across the entire map, rather than in the middle and at the bases. Even though those will still be the "hot spots".

    I suggest to everyone that you look out for v2 of Dead Heat. It will be well worth your download, and I guarantee it is better than the first version. :)
    #18 Yeti, Apr 29, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2009

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