What he said,could have a more dense backround. But this is okay. Sandbox is just sad for backrounds if you has no imagination. Good though. -MLG.V-
Yeah it's hard to find a good background on sandbox. But there's a lot of opportunity with effects so you gotta give and take.
You could use the maps towers and lighting to your advantage to make a more exciting screenshot, for instance the giant guardian tower thing, that would be cool. As for the screeny as a whole i give it a B- the grenade effects are great!
It's actually an exploding bubble shield. I got this pic while trying to get a different effect and i got this right as the bubble shield was blowing up.
looks good, almost as if he just traveled through a warp or something cuz of the slight background distortion 3.5/5 because of lack of anything else
I think its awesome tbh Yea the background might be a little.. default? But its kl Nice colours, and good effect with Bubbleshield (Y) 4/5
This looks pretty cool, but could use something other than an explosion. To me it looks like he is farting. xD Good Job though. 2/5