So, I've never posted screenshots here before, I hope I did it right and I hope you guys like them: Name: SpartanShowdown Description: When Spartans collide! Inspiration: "What would happen if two spartans got in a fist fight?" Link: Halo 3 File Details Name: Wasteland Description: Co-op on Floodgate, 12/05/08 Inspiration: "Look at the carnage..." Link: Halo 3 File Details Name: Ghost Description: 2/28/09 Inspiration: "Dude I swear there's a ghost in here..." Link: Halo 3 File Details Name: Pastel Description: 2/27/09 Inspiration: Art Link: Halo 3 File Details Let me know how they are, what you guys think, how they can be improved, etc. Thanks.
I like the last two the most. They are very vibrant, with the pitch-black background. I thought the first was pretty funny. I didn't think it looked much like a fist fight though. The second one seemed a little bland to me. Maybe if it were clearer, it would be better.
Pay attention to the video at 0:18-0:23 See the fist fight in that pic now? Yeah, I wish the second was a bit clearer too, and thanks for the feedback.
I really like the third picture, I had to check if that was a 3d model or something. Great job. Can you make a tutorial for the third picture?
the last two are clearly the best, and the third one surpases them all man last two are bout 4/5 overall 3/5 first one isn't that great, but interesting inspiration.
Thanks for the feedback guys, I was hoping the last two wouldn't make the first two look like ****, but hey, whatever. Also, I probably won't release a tutorial for a while, if I even do, so... yeah. Thanks again for the feedback. P.S. Lol, I don't even know the basics of 3d modeling.
The helmet of the guy in that last picture is simply perfect. It is wonderful. I gunna download and use it as desktop background.
The second picture is by far my favorite. It's a little washed out, but that could be fixed if you retook it with some better lighting. The third one "Ghost" is also really good, it looks like you made MMaster Chief in a CAD designing program. If you don't mind I'd like to use Wasteland as a stock to make a signature out of. I looked at it, and I really want to turn it into a new signature.
Thanks, and lol, my cousin is a CAD class right now, but I have no clue how to do it. Feel free to go ahead and use Wasteland for a sig, I don't mind at all. Let me know how it turns out.
Well actually, I can't really use it because for some reason it's really low quality. I opened it up on Photoshop and the picture was really choppy. I don't know why seeing as it's taken from the game and all, and Bungie tries to give High Res screenshots. I don't know, maybe it's just the level. Maybe try retaking it or something.
Hm, that's weird. Well, if I ever have some spare time, I guess I'll go ahead back up there and take the shot again.
The last one is awsome. The third one is okay,not great though... Secondly,this is a very cool shot like from far away,nice. And overall they are okay. Keep trying though.
I dont know why but no one really likes the second one. Carnage is awesome. slightly bad framing, but the other three are just light effects and Spartans standing (sans first pic).