Blue threw down a bubble shield when Red shot his rocket. The bubble shield didn't look like it was deployed but the effect was already there so Red basically shot an invisible wall, killing himself. That's what happened, right? I love when that happens...
caption: this is why bungie needs to make invisible walls visible... lol 4/5, its kinda like the vid on b favs, death by bubble lol nice one it twas funny
Dude if any one had a real eye they would notice how stupid this looks.Take a quick look at maybe the rocket launcher. 2/5 for stupidity.
Glad see nothing changes here that is a very useful comment clear and constructive where would us lowly people with fake eyes be without you Does anyone (its one word) know what this guys problem is? Also whats his problem with the pic? You do know that I had no control over the rocket laucher maybe if you think its stupid you should say why if you arent to busy jumping and hiding to share your mighty MLG "wisdom" with us that is on second thought don't bother just go back to