These two were kind of alike, so I thought I'd post them in the same thread. Forge 014 (Can't think of a name ... I suck with names.) Galactic Let me know what you think.
Eh def not your best. They're kinda boring. Looks like you were just messing around with backgrounds. Add some effects to these and they'd be better.
Uhh..gee what else is new with you.Just the best background screenshot you have taken.I like the effetc.Can you PM me about itNice anyways.Also love the lighting and angle.
I like the second one the most. It's more reserved and contemplative than the first. I believe that is because of the sideways position of the spartan and the light effects on his armour make the picture much bolder than the second.
IMO, the framing is better in Galactic, but overall Forge 014 (idk, Foresight?) is better. Again, the glint on the Spartan (mark v woot!) visor adds a new depth to the pic. It's not like im seeing a Spartan, but i am seeing a person, with an armor suit on. This glint, on this pic and a lot of your others, add personality and life into the images you've created, and i love them. 5/5 on first, 4/5 for second Keep up the gud work, Leeumm!
i like the second one a little better because of the cool space backround. i thought you were under water at first.