well recently i have been noticing a lot more of the people on my friends list either stop playing halo 3 or have quit gaming all together. So i have found myself rather bored as of lately. If anyone wants a solid gamer on their friends list and who plays lots of customs/matchmaking/halo3 in general. add my new gamertag: Skippyyyyyyyyyy (10 Y's) thanks [=
Have you considered signing up for the Tester's Guild? That's a good way to get some customs in, and meet people to play matchmaking with, especially once Mythic hits the marketplace there will be a huge increase in maps to be tested(and maps posted without testing, unfortunately) so we can use all the good people we can get.
I'll add you. I do a lot of customs, so I'll invite you whenever possible. Oh, and I'm getting my capture card in a few days.