the name yeah i no but it just suits the map ok its alot of fun there r 2 differnt routs to take and u can run in to eachother so u need to whatch out thats why i named it hot wheels so have fun enjoy i might make some more race tracks just looking to see what some other people say so u no its my first race map so i hope every body likes it ohh yeah and try to play it with 8 people so much fun Pics download here Spartan 1
Uh, are is there even a map here. or is this just spam? No pics No link No complete sentences You've got 24 hours before a mod comes down on you. (Please nobody else bash him, we just need one person...) Can you guys not read? Edit: Don't make a thread before you even take any pics, or have it in your fileshare.
Is this a joke? HYPOTHETICAL QUESTION! why are you joking around like this? no download link no pictures completely irrelevant description....
Now that you have fixed the stuff, the map looks pretty good! interlocking could be neater, and could be used more, but other than that it looks fine. you might want a better description though, just saying its a great map and fun over and over again really doesnt explain it all that well, and the poll shouldnt be biased to yourself/your map. im giving you a 3/5 and i might dl. good map! keep up the work!
Christ, most of you are bashing him without even attempting to help him. Anyways, other than your spelling errors which by the way, look really gross and unprofessional(routs, seriously?). And you could have attempted to make a better description. The map itself, looks pretty good although you should have put more pictures to support your map as oppose to just 1 overview shot. The part where you are inverted is pretty original, and from this 1 picture, I would rate 4/5. I'm going to download to try it. PS:I think you need more than 1 picture, otherwise it's not "up to standards".(MAYBE) EDIT:Oh wait, never mind, you beat me to it. FORGET ABOUT the picture comments I made lol. Oh, and your poll, might wanna think about editing it, because it doesn't really give any constructive votes... it all leads to what is the best part about you... just a suggestion.
I will read your post when it uses proper grammar. And seriously, people on ForgeHub are seriously forgetting how to rate maps properly. This track is rather amateur and, in my opinion, currently doesn't deserve the 5/5 it had. As far as I'm concerned; racing in tubes sucks, and having alternate routes is wrong. The rest of the track is fine and the banks look alright, although this track has nothing that makes me want to download in the slightest bit, especially not the tubes. 2/5 just because this showed some effort.
this is for people that vote on my poll if u say that u want to add me and be my forge partner add FT Spartan 1 FT Yshlaw pure flip side phizix sacredninjas or u must post ur gamer tag and stuff that way i can add u ok thanks very much
i think the name, at least, goes with the map. the whole "choose your path" and "run into each other" suits the map finely. i haven't really seen a race like this in a while. and good job surviving the horde of forgehub zombies, that was a close one... oh, and there is yet another horde of zombies waiting to eat your soul. there isn't a link. so, get ready... but the thread might be locked before you get to it, anyways.
lol thanks lol yeah i have made lots of maps people dont like change and they shur as hell dont like origanal but then u make something unoriganal and they tell u it sucks so there is nothing else to do it and i fixed my map it was there earlier but its there now so enjoy and jus wondering r u a girl
This has to be a joke. The map is by no means terrible, but if you can't be bothered to use any punctuation, then I can't be bothered to download your map. By the way, when a red line appears underneath a word, it means you misspelled it. Try again.
hey thanks glad u liked it i no people tell me this stuff but i really dont care about my puncuation and stuff even if i spelled it right but yeah im sorry i jus think when u send a message on xbox live nobody does it so jus never thought about doing it and i dont have spell check on so yeah im glad you liked it