Lady Melodia from Baten Kaitos was pretty evil and manipulative and releases the ancient god of destruction onto the world.
Krauser in both the times you have to fight him, guns and moments after mutated from resident evil 4. He is lightning quick, has a big knife, mines, robots, and is nearly invincible. Then, in his mutated form, he runs around, is almost invincible on proffesional, has almost no time for you to do any good damage, and is constantly striking you with his mutated arm. Hardest boss ever.
That is my new answer. I broke my DS when I got him. It's a nightmare! Don't ever buy that game. It only contains evil!
wait for it.... wait for it.... Barbie from Horse Pals!!!!!!!!!!!!! If that ain't evil then i don't know what is! it gives you nightmares for like a year! It should be rated illegal in all states, except for Kentucky! (i don't know why)
The Emperor Ing from Metroid Prime 2. OH MY GOD, that was one of the most annoying bosses I've ever fought. It leads the entire Ing army to take out Aether and blow it to pieces, then moves onto the next planet. Pretty evil if you ask me. I only picked him because the boss fight was insane the three times I went against him.
Anyone else fooled by President Eden in Fallout 3? The entire enclave is ran by a Spoiler The Enclave Oh and the Master from fallout 1 was demented Seriously, how can you say yes to that face?
Hmm Gruntilda from banjo kazooie Specter from Ape escape (lulz) Bowser, hey old skools kool And last but not least. LUIGI thats rights he's evil and i know it always in the shadow of Mario yeh well he slept with peach and Mario doesn't know HAHAHAHAHA i hope he doesn't have a forgehub account cause then he'll find out. OH NOEZ yeh well before i begin to rant i shall go.
The Devil, from DooM!!!! 85 feet of bastard! but cerial, i think Gannon is pretty evil. oh, and the lady in red from the PS1 mission impossible game, where you had to kill her in the bathroom, but she usually shot me. But, the absolute worst most evil dastardly being in video game history?? retarded Camera Angles!!
I would have to say the Ganondorf from the Lengend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. He's so evil he makes no hesitations as to kill anyone. He IS AWSOME.
Dude i so agree with that. She's pretty f*****g evil. I used to lol banjo and kazzoie so much. #3 ruined the great game though.
Hands down, your character in Fallout 3, if he is evil, that is. <<<Spoilers!!!!>>> You can blow up an ENTIRE town, leaving nothing but ashes and twisted metal.
Not only that you can convince someone to do suicide, stop a slave revolt by leading every slaver over to kill them all, sell a old lady's special violin she has bin looking for decades to a old guy that displays it to no one, and Spoiler kill every single life form except the evil enclave with the project your father has bin working on and risked everything for. It's fun to be the bad guy.
Yuri from the C&C: red alert 2: yuri's revenge. Mind controlling every one and then sending them to a grinder [ could aslo be called a high tech butchershop] and useing/selling orgainic parts to fuel his war effort.