The 'Hornet v2' is going to be like the H2 Banshee, just some guns and flying, and that's it. I like that kinda. Just as long as it still has passenger jumpseats, put a guy with a laser and zap :squirrel_rocking:! An icy Wraith, that would be cool too.
I heard Bungie was going to do something like this for Halo 2 but never had the time to get around it. Anyways that is pretty chill man; great update.
It would be cool if they added some small icicles around the edges or something like that. Minor details are my favorite details.
I cant wait I just want to play on Ssidewinder again Containent was no substitute to the truly ledgendary map.
hell yeah ive been dreaming of a sidewinder remake. ive heard a few rumors that said it was going to be sidewinder with 4 legs instead of just 2 which could mean they are bringing multi-team flag in.
Rappel gun? Eh, reminds me of Agent Under Fire It's just no a Halo-type weapon. Besides, I think new weapons would be very hard, if not impossible, for them to add in. Vehicle skins are different because it doesn't change damage, etc.