The Steam Thread I dont know why im going to make it look nice, its just gonna sink down :/ But, Welcome to The Steam Thread! On this thread we: *Can share SN's *Share our experiences using Steam *Games you would like to see come out on Steam Etc. SO lets stay on topic! No talking about random **** plox.
He is very smart, almost nerd like. I hear about steam all the time when i talk to some of my PC buddies.
Wow, you should know. It's made by the same people that made L4D. But people seem to stereotype this software as "****". Is that accurate?
I have Steam, but I dont have any games because I'm cheap. I'm totally open to gifts *hint hint*. Insane540.
I have steam but i only play l4d on it n00bskoolbus, if that doesn't work then just PM for my e-mail address
yes, sometimes steam is classified as ****. But IMO, it is nothing close to that. And insane, tell me your birthday and you might get a surprise *wink wink* And my SN: huntaro
meh im never play on steam much anymore (besides a rare case of my playing gmod or TS2 ) you can add me if you want im all the time so :S SN: kidbomber
I know what steam is, but I was hazy on what it's actual use is and why it's so popular. And I have L4D on 360, so no steam for me.
I haz steam. I've had for quite some time, like 3 years or a little longer. I normally play CSS and sometimes Half-Life 2. I think my name is "thatguy", I've had that name from the beginning of me playing.
Add my SN. NewbAmoeba. I've got The Orange Box, CSS, DOD:S, HL2:dm, and gmod. i'll get others .. but i figure those are the popular ones.