Sky world V3!! the is a fun map to play when playing 2v2 or 1v1. the wepons on the map are -sniper rifle -bean rifle -shotgun -and 4 brs i played on this map befor and i think it is the best one yet this is sky world V3 there is alot of thinks to do on the map so have fun and hope you download. please comment! [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] to download go to
Much better than your original post that's for sure: But i think you should've just edited your main post on the other one, and added it (Y) Tis good, might give a download later one (Y)
Please put some effort into your post, because on ForgeHub, this is considered spam, which is not good. Anyway, this map looks better than your first one, yet it still has some uneven surfaces, bumps cracks, and those up-side down stone platforms in the last picture I can tell are crooked. Maybe use guides to help place them. The weapons don't seem overpowering, but is the spartan laser there to destroy anything? I remember a Banshee in your other post. Did you delete it? If so, that's good, this map is small, it would destroy. But if there's no Bansheee, then there is no point in having the Spartan Laser. I suggest you change it out for a mauler or brute shot. Is there any reason that you used the sniper and beam rifle? Maybe make it more consistent. One more thing, on that long platform with red and blue columns lining it, there should be more cover. Anyways, great improvements, but it could still use some more.
looks like an improvement from the last map definately! glad to see you are considering peoples suggestions! As mentioned above, my perfectionist eye (sorry) sees the crookedly placed stone platforms, but it wouldnt interfere with gameplay.. I would personally stack another row of blue/red columns on top of the first one on the longer stretch. Definate download, nice improvement 3.5/5