Sandbox Pantheon

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Cade Brandos, Mar 13, 2009.


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  1. Cade Brandos

    Cade Brandos Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Map Name: Pantheon

    Map Description: This ancient temple has suffered through war and time. All that is left inside the temple is half of a statue and a purple glow.

    The map is based on the architecture of ancient Greek/Roman temples. Red and Blue bases are regarded as shrines and are indicated by red or blue columns. The main temple area is empty execpt for the glorious statue inside. What did this statue, now only reduced to legs and an Egyptian-style skirt. What will probably catch your attention first is the purple glow coming from the statue's base. Why does it glow and what is the source? Nobody knows.....

    Basic Map Side View

    Main Temple Overview

    Blue Base Front

    Red Base Front

    Universal Interior

    Symmetrical or asymmetrical?
    The map is symmetrical with two asymmetrical power weapons spawns.The Brute Shot and Gravity Hammer spawn across the temple from each other.

    I would recommend around two teams of 4 or 6 players. Raising the player cap to 8 or 10 players may work, but it has a risk of being hectic.

    Pantheon has three vehicles for each base.
    1x Warthog (If you see another Warthog in the pictures, it isn't there anymore.)
    1x Mongoose
    1x Chopper
    The purpose of these vehicles is harrassment on Slayer varients, hill control on KotH varients, and quick transport for CTF matches.

    Pantheon supports Slayer, Assualt, CTF, and King of the Hill gametypes. Pantheon is more of an objective gametype of map in my opinion. Territories. VIP, and Infection gametypes are not supported by this map.

    2x Battle Rifles
    2x Shotguns
    2x Sniper Rifles
    2x Plasma Grenade Spawns With 2 Grenades
    2x Frag Grenade Spawns With 2 Grenades
    1x Rocket Launcher
    1x Brute Shot
    1x Gravity Hammer
    4x Plasma Rifles With 2 Rifles For Each Spawn
    2x Bubble Shields

    I made sure to create some spawns that were out of the action so others would have a fair chance to respawn in peace. The other spawns are in or around the bases.

    Pantheon Download Link
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  2. TheKeebobBobagawa

    Senior Member

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    Man, this is preety nice. Judging from the first pic, the map looks very well-made. Can't wait to play a game on it!
  3. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It looks good but a bit open on the sides. I'd like to see a more detailed pic of inside the temple and the statue. Forging's a bit sloppy but I don't think it would be that much of an issue. Gameplay looks iffy because of the openness on the sides and the number of power weapons. You got a few too many power weapons. Maybe get rid of the shotguns and the rockets and add some more BR's. Only 2? It looks fairly decent though.
  4. Cade Brandos

    Cade Brandos Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'll keep those suggestions in mind, I guess I'll reForge it later. I had those power weapons on the map to combat the vehicles, but i deleted a few before offically posting the map. I guess I can get rid of the Rockets and Shotguns, but i should at least keep the Hammer and Brute Shot. I'll add the BRs to.

    Sorry about the sloppy Forging too, this was a big test to see what Sandbox could do.

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