[SIZE=+4]D¤MÁIÑ V2.1[/SIZE] By X2SheaX Domain V2 is a slayer gametype based map. It's by far the best map I've made for FFA and works well for slayer 2v2 to 5v5. I made version one a loooong tme ago (never posted on forgehub). The reason i fixed it up was due to lack of gameplay and aesthetics and version 2 became what i invisioned...but even better... I hope this map gives you the same experience it gave me. DL Weapons/Equipment *new 4 BRs 1 Sniper *now 1 clip instead of 2 1 Brute Shot 2 SMGs 1 Shotgun 2 Carbines 1 Radar Jammer 1 Energy Drainers 1 Bubble Shield 1 Regenerators 1 Active Camo 5 Frag Grenades 6 Spike Grenades Overview Overview 2 B-Base Inside B-Base Sniper Perch *sniper replaced with power drain Rocket Spawn (the door isn't jus for aesthetics wink wink) *rockets have been removed and power drain has moved Back Alley/Shotty Spawn *shotty has been moved Camo Spawn A-Side (a.k.a. the pit) New Weapon Placement New Sniper Spawn New Power Drain Spawn New Shotty Spawn There are a few new weapons too Holy Shhhhhh Download link!
Looks pretty cool, maybe a little crowded in some spots, but I'll have to download to see. There seems to be a lot of equipment as well. I like the structure that the Invis is underneath. Also the way that you have the team starts blocked off. Not too many maps make it so you can stand up there. Is there anything behind the wall with the slanted stair case columns?
sweet map! I like how the geomerging and interlocking looks. The concept and map design is great! If you are capable of making these great of maps I would like to see more in the near future. I will dl.
This looks good. I like the mix of close combat and long LOS. The forging looks good and gameplay looks very good. The layout looks very good and overall, it looks really good. Definitely a download from me.
seems like theres to many power weapons with the turrets sniper rifle rockets camo you cant really make foundry like that cause it takes a few seconds to get from one to another maybe take out a turret and either rockets or sniper
Nah it actually worked out fine the times ive played. But tell me how it plays if u DL and give me some advice. thnx
I just did a quick forge-through on the map, and Im sad to say that I was a bit disappointed with some of the design choices made as well as your weapon placement. I'll start with the biggest problem, which is the center line of the map. Within about 5 seconds, a player can have access to the Sniper, the Power Drain, and the Rocket Launcher, by walking in a straight line. If he continues through the teleporter, he then has access to the shotgun by still just continuing a few steps in the same line. These weapons NEED to be spread out around the map. I stress NEED. It wouldn't take much but a couple frags at the start of the match to erk out a couple quick kills then quickly set up with every power weapon on the map. Spreading these out would work wonders for this map. If it was me, I'd probably drop one of them alltogether, and itd probably be the rocket launcher. It doesnt suit the map's style to well (at least not as well as the others do). In a map that requires a pretty good amount of jumping to get where you want to go, the rockets instantly become overpowered in most situations as players have to concentrate on their movement rather than their opponent. If you did want to keep the rockets, here's what I'd do: move rockets to where the sniper is move the sniper to the window panel room move the shotgun to either under the stair-bridge or on top of it (under is probably best). move power drain to..um.. yeh Id get rid of it too. But like I said, I'd be pretty tempted to lose the rockets alltogether. That way, you could keep the rest of the weapon layout pretty consistent with the way you have it now (except id still delete the power drain) bottom line is, these weapons are far too close to one another, and the map would flow much better and be less restrictive with some separation in between them. One other thing I would try and focus on in the future, or in the next version should you decide to make one, would be to make use of more ramps and less double-jumps. Its a hard task, but it will streamline gameplay and make the map flow much quicker and overall offer a much more enjoyable experience. The layout is nice, I like it. And with some tweaks to weapons and some other stuff, this could make out to a real nice map. cheers
k thnx man i'll take wat u said into consideration. May jus ditch the rockets. But i can't have the sniper or shotty moved. the power drain will stay on the map but i may move it. Srry im bad when it comes to weapon placement haha. o and which design ideas dissapointed u?
wow great mapn it realy makes fouundery look alot bigger 4.8/5 sniper spot looks a bit too overpowerd its got my dl
I agree.But he doesn't have to move much stuff. Nice map.I pove the camo spot.It has awsome asethics. Well done overall.4/5.