I sometimes get embarrassed by my Dad, but rarely. Do any of you try to stay away from those family members who embarrass you?
Eh. Usually if anyone in my family is embarassing me, it's intentional on their part. I usually just make fun of them for something that they did. It's all good-natured. My mother can sometimes be a little overprotective, but it's just how she is-she calls me virtually every day to check up on me and see how I'm doing.
God my parents are so annoying. My dad freaking CROSS-STITCHES! WTF! My mom still gives me a 10:00 bedtime (never go to sleep) and my dad laughs at something retarded like math or something. "Well actually the square root of 45,689 is 735. HAHAHAHAHAHA!" God my parents are so weird. It pisses me off when my friends come over.
My dad's a complete gay, whenever im with him in Morrisons he always tries to make jokes which aren't funny just because the checkout girls can hear, and every time im in town with him hes just staring at womens asses when they walk by.
SAY WHAT? Dave, please choose your words better. I'm a bit embarrassed by my mom in public, but I love her.
What I'm getting from this thread is that a lot of people are still in the stage where it's 'cool' to hate one's parents.....Just sayin'.
Ok so I get back home from football training today and my dad's laptop is open right there and so I look at it and open something minimized and it was porn...
The worst that's happened was when i was like 6 in 1st greade (more than 12 yrs ago). I remember peeing on myself in Spelling class, and I don't know how, but my mom came bursting in my classroom with a fresh pair of undies. She tried to change me in the classroom with everyone watching, but by then i had ran out the room in embarassment. Honestly, Im shocked i remember this so vividly... It was like Capt. Underpants, except he was a woman, and black. But it's my family. You can only be embarassed once (?) but you will be loved always.
The question I'm dying to ask here is....why does everybody avoid their parents? What is it about your parents that is so embarassing/makes you so ashamed of them? I've gotta agree with Theorem- family is bound to embarass you, but in 90% of cases they'll be the ones who will still be there for you when everybody else doesn't give a ****.
I'm not embarrassed at all. I've grown quite proud of my family. Like you said, I am more embarrassed of myself.
My sister is really... insane without her ADHD meds, which she doesn't take on vacations. I'm on a vacation right now.