Clearly it involves corruption. I like to think of myself as the real samus and the staff as the corrupt one.
Any leader of any sort, is going to abuse power. It is a given from the get-go. I mean i regular members didn't whine about it so much, it would be sooooooooooo much more pleasing. But as noobs always are, nothing will ever change.
Well in that case the level of corruption is low, and now with people like reynbow banned (not that as a Loyal he had any power) and abusers stripped of their power, the corruption is very low. It's not nonexistent, for example Insane54 (sorry to call you out) once infracted me for implying that I was going to commit to copyright infringement: "pI installed both of them. Now where on the Firefox window do I click do download Muse's albums?" This was merely an example of its use, but it got me the infraction. Fair enough, but then approximately 4 hours later someone made a modding thread discussiing illegal hacks for the Nintendo DS and giving in-depth explanations and descriptions to the hacks he used and how they worked. The mods didn't bat an eyelid, even when I reported it. Tut tut. But yeah, that's the closest thing to corruption that I've seen so far on this site.
These days, I'm starting to see more 'these noobs on FH make worse maps than me so we should ban them from making maps' type of elitist threads. Generally from the late fall-winter '08 group.
Elitism =/= corruption. I think it's hypocritical. The people who are saying this have been here for less than a month, they've just spammed ther way to the AR, then started bitching about the "newbs".
Staff are volunteer members for a halo 3 the hell are any of them corrupt? What do they even seek to gain?
The last paragraph would be very smart to post. It will show people they don't just take any map the staff makes and feature it. and adding to your second paragraph, they probably just want power over people.
1. Get Staff 2. Be Corrupt 3. Ban Yomtvraps 4. ??? 5. Profit! But on a more serious note: Honestly the don't really have anything physical to gain.
Chris does make a good point. In this situation, 'corrupt' might be something of a misnomer....since, as has been said, calling someone 'corrupt' implies that they're doing something for their own personal gain, and not following their own rules. I think what many of the crying lot are trying to say is that they think that the staff are "unfair" or "abusing their power." A politician who accepts bribes for political favors is corrupt. A politician who abuses their political power might not necessarily be corrupt at the same time. Forgehub staff members have nothing to gain from being staff- The great majority of them(if not all of them) are simply trying to help the community. The one's who are only in it so they can have their little power trip in an abstract environment never last very long.
Insane, I really believe that you are what a staff member should consist of. What i want in my staff at a site are people that don't choose teams, people that realize that they make mistakes, and people who do not feel powerful over the internet. I have never once seen you make a mistake that you didn't apologize for, or ever mistreat a member here because he wasn't a friend of yours.
Back to the featured maps for a second. Insane are you or any of the staff sending messages of suggestions to those people who just fail out of getting featured? I brought this up a while back and the answer was some were, some were not. Seems a bit inconsistent. If y'all are bringing in the staff from the Testers Guild to help with the testing they can help with this part too. At the start of testing any map or set of maps, just nominate (or have someone volunteer) to take small notes about good things and bad things and then sometime after when that person has time send a message to the map maker. Any one of you, TG included should know what ways they can fix the bad spawns and such so it shouldn't be too hard of a task.
I never said you did anything, I said your not staff, so that argument doesn't affect this anymore. @Way: I had tried this a while ago but it way too much...we play so many maps it's really hard to leave feedback on each one. Maybe the TG, having more members, can help...we can try at least, but I wouldn't bet on it.
It would probably do the most towards alleviating the whole 'staff are corrupt' thing. If you get just one person per map might work. But then I really have no idea how many maps you guys look at for feature so it's up to you.
What Corrupt Staff? The staff do a very good job running the website. I mean there are ups and downs, but look at the size of the community. It's hard to run a community of this size and actually do a good job.
A lot of times, people flat out ignore any suggestions made. Why? I couldn't tell you. But it really hurts any efforts I've made. Of course, there are others that do make the adjustments and their maps do get featured. A lot of people just aren't open to criticism... from anyone. You certainly won't get a map featured with a closed mind, that's for sure.
Post it in the map thread. If that person ignores it then proof of why it was not featured is there for all to see. As for why they do ignore it. More than likely it's because they think bungie will give them recon if they get the most downloads on a map. Or they just want to have a bigger e-***** since their real one gets laughed at by all the ugly chicks they show it to. Or in regards to the 'What's your sin' thread, too many people suffer from an over abundance of Pride and refuse to believe that most people know better than them. Those people can just be ignored or teased on occasion like Fragina.