Well, the other day I got out my old nintendo DS. Like the srs business ones. Remember these? So I had PKMN Pearl in and I was all like OMG imma play it. Anyway Pokemon is sick and anyone who would like to fight me is cool. Oh and you may discuss what's cool about pokemon, which are the best, which suck etc. here. Also I believe that Pokemon Platinum is being released in the near future... like this month... I don't plan on buying it, but that's also something to discuss. Made a motivational poster of myself
i was just thinking about the original games. and i just realized today that all the cities are named after colors. pewter, viridian, cerulean, fushcia, cinnabar, safron, vermillion, lavender (town), celadon, indigo (plateau)... and OMG pallet town is like a pallet of colors!
lul how u get arceus????!!!!11111!!! I have Diamond currently, but a total noob at that one, since I got it fairly recently. I'm trying to beat the elite 4 now.... I think I have had every generation but the firered and such.
My friend had an action replay so he traded me some nice stuff lol i got a lugia, ho-oh, arceus, mew, shaymin, darkrai, etc.
I'm still debating on whether or not platinum is worth a purchase- I don't really have all that much spending money, so I have to regulate what i buy very, very carefully....If there's enough additional content and the like, I'll probably buy it. Otherwise, no Platinum for me.
Anyone currently training pokemon? Right now I'm training dragonite and a bellyzard (charizard w/belly drum) dragonite is level 89 and bellyzard is like 49 i gotta get my friends action replay so i can get teh rare candyz lol
I googled it and couldn't find anything. And I don't know what a "belly drum" is. Unless it's an attack, then I have to ask what is so special about it.
o sry lol, it is an attack that charizard can only learn through egg moves Here just read on Pokmon of the Week - Charizard one of the movesets is entitled bellyzard
Oh, its a strategy... I never got into strategy on the pokemon games. I kinda just killed the bad guy