Download Map This map is inspired by the last level of Halo 2 when you fight Tartarus. This level has three tiers to it. Tier one has: power ups: shield and camo, and shotgun. Tier two is more of a buffer zone for battle on tier one, also provides equipment - power drain, regenerator, and bubble shield. Tier three can make or break you. With there only two ways up ( man cannon and teleport ), very strategic place to be. While on tier 3, you can't shoot down, nor can anyone shoot up. Shield doors provide a safe yet devastating drop down to your opponent to do the "nasty" on them . Insanely fast paced, and with the more people the more carnage there is to be had. Very easily will become a favorite to play on with friends. Here are some images of the map: Hope you like it and enjoy! - MidNight
Very nice first post. It looks like the map could be helped with some of the 'forging 101' techniques available in the forums, though. I love vertical levels, though, so this might be fun to mess around on.
his looks like a very goo map, especially for a new member, but this doesn't belong in minigame maps. Ask a mod to move it, or I can for you. Good job!