Are you insane? People won't stay away from the Legendary Map Pack because of this. Ghost Town looks completely different from this and is larger. As for the other maps, at least one of them (Cottonball), is impossible to remake in Foundry due to the fact that it is larger than Sandtrap. And what would you expect Bungie to do? They can't do anything, not that they would want to.
from all the pics ive seen of ghost town and all these pics i thought that actalluy gost town looked smaller than this. still a great premake though. good practice getting to know a map before it even comes out so you can own everyone else on it. looking forward to finding out what the other two are.
Plasma, I apologize for adding to the bashing of your comment but I'd also like to add that with each map pack there are likely to be more and better forging tools than the previous packs. If anything you should be upset at how obsolete each map pack makes the others for forging. Dew, this map is the **** and I love it. Looks kind of barren, though. Perhaps random stuff lying around to simulate plant life?
Re: Ghost Town from the upcoming Legendary Map Pack hey how did u find out what the map looked like did u guess on some of it i look on bungie and there pic were pretty vague im just curious i want to see some pic of ghost town if u can tell me where i can check it out it would be appreciated much other than that great map it look awsome and u porably spent alot time to make all that stuff line up just right
I used the pictures that Bungie put in their Weekly Updates. and
Maybe they'll have a forge update for putting skins on your double boxes, then everybody could just DL this instead. I think you should cut out those four crates under that fence box for a mongoose... Anyways, this looks like an awesome map, I'll definetly have to DL this.
Wtf, a remake of a map not yet released. Lolz! You never know what people are going to come up with next. - Brute Captain
yours is pretty cool. you guys should check mine out as well. actually. i think you already have......
ok. ys again its a PREmake. and i used the map and the pics for it. i think the next map from the mp will be sidewindeer.
Well im not sure how you know the layot f a map you have ever played before but I guess we will wait and see if its accurate.
I got most of the layout by the picture Bungie gave us in this weekly update: