Marathon Made by:N1GHT Run through the Maze-like map and find your enemies before they find you. Mostly a Slayer Map, Flag spawns built in. Overview Flag spawns at farthest left and right point. Two of many hallways Download Marathon Here --> Download Gametype Here --> Halo 3 File Details Shotgun Start 150% Speed
Meh, it's okay i guess...a bit cliche however seeing to the fact that you're running around mindlessly at 150 percent speed... There probably won't be any skill involved, just to see who can kill who first. 2/5 for me.
I had to do 150% speed. Normal speed is WAY to slow for this. You can always change the Starting Weapon too.
I just want to ask... you when have you encountered a casual game that required skill. It is in the casual section because its for fun. The map is actually really fun, I downloaded it and played with about a full party, Mayhem at every turn.
You know, I was expecting a map to come out like this very soon and expect A LOT more. It just looks like a bunch of Y- tube pieces slapped togegether into a symetrical, boring map. This is no maze, either. It's just a bunch of corridors leading into other corridors that look exactly the same as eachother. I would expect for people to get lost on the map fairly quickly due to the the symetry ofthe map and how there is nothing to show you where in gods name you are going within these hallways.. It was a good idea, but the map just lacks... everything... 1.5/5, sorry bud.
its not bad i can see how this map could be a lot of crazy fun with a ton of people playing it. it is sort of nice to look at from the outside, and you did a pretty so so job utilizing the tube pieces of the sceanery. overall 3.8/5
this looks okay. i say this because it would get old after awhile of just running around in hallways. add some more pizzaz and i would consider downloading it
I've seen two maps today like this, I presume this is the first, but like I said when I posted on the other one, it needs something more as although it can be fun for it a while it needs more level to the combat, rather than just fighting on one, if you get what I mean. 3/5 I'd say as it does not quite have the depth I need/
OK, duck hunt(sniping), Township(teamwork), and the list continues. EVERY game requires skill to some degree.