Hello forgehub, I bring you another screenshot that hopefully will get another funny caption added onto it. All you have to do is post what you think would be a funny caption for the picture below. This is a hard picture to post a caption for so good luck. EDIT: I have now started to see a lot of caption games come up ever since I posted this one (The original) and I just want to say that I am awesome for starting this/¿starting this back up maybe? I put the funnier captions at the top. Current funny captions: Posted by RightSideTheory: "The **** you mean you don't sell Bullets?" Posted by halostar 317: "Have you had your V8 today?" Posted by XxK1LLROYxX: "You ate my Cookie." Posted by littlemoomoo: "Spit out your Stride gum already or we will find you.....” Posted by Lawful Chilli: "I used to use this little gun when I was a prostitute." Posted by ThaGooberHead: "Hey, do you know where the bathroom is?" Posted by DarkFalcon: "What do ya mean no instuction manuel!" Posted by iShedo: "Give me mah money, bish!"
Guy: "...and this is why you should never play with guns Jimmy." Little Kid: "But dad, all I was doing was shooting squirrels" :squirrel_wtf::squirrel_wtf::squirrel_wtf: Guy: "YOU SICK LITTLE BASTARD!"
red guy in pic: "Do NOT shoot Pandas. Or else... you know what will happen... I'll give Butter's from South Park the gun and well... you know what he does." Panda killer: "Please, please anything but Butters."
"Holding A Gun is Quite hard when you're Masterbauting at the same time. Why can't I resist both temptations" Lol that's my quote guys :happy:
"You could've had a V8." "Oh look, it's the Internet." *Red Guy* "Don't worry guys, I got a gun!" *Team* "Crap. Keep him away from the rockets." "Facepalm!" "Step away from the Flamethrower, Teamkiller!"