Debate Did School Handle Situation Well?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ForgeGod117, Feb 23, 2009.


How did the school react?

  1. The school acted accordingly

  2. The school needed to take it seriously but not that serious!

  3. They didn't need to take it seriously, It was obviously a joke!

  4. They over-reacted completely. What were they thinking!

  1. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    I go to a public school so I understand the environment. If you calmly explained yourself and the context of the convo then they did overreact.
  2. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Well, would you like to be the principal of Columbine during the slayings? The system operates around if-thens, but those if-thens have happened, so it's necesary to utilize higher standards of safety.
  3. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    The Road is my favorite book of all time. I have read it 5 times already. I'm sure the teacher just wanted to get you in trouble or thought you were someone who would do that just by the way you look. Adults are idiots when it comes to that kind of stuff. We're people. All the teacher should have done was tell you not to joke about that or say it in school because it is a serious matter.
  4. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Sorry, I'm not aware of this event. But I guess you're right.
    Still though, realise that it was a joke. Did they find a bomb?
  5. Abibliophobia

    Abibliophobia Ancient
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    wow that actually happen to you that may have been weird and scary and a little bit of embarrassing for you
  6. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    the school did over react certain people have a great fear of terrorism and bomb and gun threats with good reason but when its brought up they get afraid and dont stop to think about what there doing why there doing it and if what there doing is neccesary and youre lucky the courts didnt screw you it seems like everyone who plays games is automattically a suspect for illegal activity again going back to the fear thing
  7. GladiateSmiths

    GladiateSmiths Ancient
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    They had reason to be alarmed at mention of the bomb, but based on the explanations you said you gave, after that, they definitely overreacted. Especially when the guy asked about your "dark" book. That's just plain dumb. I read that book, and enjoyed it, who's he to say that reading apocalyptic stories is disturbing!
  8. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    well the officer might have thought it was disturbibg but it shouldnt be a reason he might have a bomb they have disturbing books in the school library if they thought he shouldnt be reading it they shouldnt have books like it in the school librarys im sure theres other books like it in his library
  9. cakeChart

    cakeChart Ancient
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    He didn't just say bomb is the thing, the teacher heard the quote, not just bomb. The quote is what ****ed him over. Now if you're not a good student (not assuming you don't do well), the teacher(s)/AP may have been trying to get out if the school. This has happened twice this year at my school. But if you're a good student, tough luck. Now, I think they acted accordingly because the quote said a bomb is about to go off. That is so terrible and unthinkable out of context, they did what was necessary. Every month or so there is an actual bomb threat at some school in my area. Your school did what was necessary, and good for them. The police also just went through protocol, so good for them too.
  10. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    Wow, your school is ****ing retarded. I can't believe that. I'm just shocked. "Excuse me, son, but I overheard the word 'bomb' in your conversation, and I'd just like to know if you've set one in the building. Do we need to evacuate?" That's just unbelievable. You should attempt to overturn the referral or something. Goddamn, people are ****ing retarded nowadays. People are so paranoid. My dad always gets stopped for "extra screening" in the airport because he tans really easily.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    This may come as a surprise, but not everyone wants to blow up your paranoid country. The school acted ridiculously and the referral is just disgusting, shows how great the legal system is.
  12. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    I say they did the right thing. Sadly, the only thing they did right was follow rules. That's what the school system is supposed to do to keep people safe. Although I will have to say, they overeacted. But it is less overeacted for rules, more morally overeacted. I agree with BuddahCrane. The system's messed up a little.
  13. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    Tarnishing your permanent record is the only real problem. Technically you got in trouble for saying the word bomb and his stupid quote of "I kill you". First, think before you speak although not many people do. Second, sue the hell out of the police for putting something on your permanent record that will hinder you being able to go to college, get a job, own a house, or even buy a new car. Not only that, but once you get your license to drive a car, police will pull you over (for normal traffic violations), and see that you said the word bomb, so you could be a threat and he could also search your car.

    Like I said, it's good that they took that sort of action, but it was a bad mistake by them to say your innocent and then put that crap on your permanent record that you "supposedly threatened the school with a bomb." It's blasphemy! MADNESS EVEN!

    Anyways, tell your parents that you want to sue because you'll never be able to get a job, ever.

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