I post a video and a random kid says virus and my topic gets closed...Obviously you guys do know what Filefront.com is website where you can upload files... Here was the link i posted....2009_3_12_19_24_11.wmv Download File on FileFront The mod who closed my topic is retarded(Sorry for the flame) WMV file are windows movie video These members need to learn some stuff about file extensions and what you can attach viruses too.- Soren515 Huntar Creep1ng De4th
You posted a link with no description about what it was. In this day and age it could be anything. You should never leave it up to the reader to "figure it out". Always post in an intelligent manner and be informative. Do you honestly think people want to click a link to a random URL posted by a random person? And definitely don't insult other members and call them retarded again, that will earn you more infractions.
/locked. I bet if you ***** at a mod even more they will start to like you. Staff r curuptz, kill'em all
Dude, are you serious? "I got banned from xboxlive" with a link that has provided no info on what it actually is attached to it. Nobody wants to click it. If you want you can repost and describe to us all what it actually is, you know, with a little detail. Then maybe people won't suspect it to be a virus, some annoying ad, or even a rick roll. And in the future, try using a civilized approach to having this resolved. Starting a thread that calls out Mods and calls them retards is not the best way to go about it. It's the immature way. :lock: