DOWNLOAD---Foxhole--- (Version 2 is an update, the territories flaw has been corrected.) Foxhole is a condensed version of Ghost Town making the old map hardly recognizable, yet is large enough for 4v4 combat. I have used extensive geomerging and unique interlocking techniques to create new walls and even a complex set of tunnel systems that seals of Foxhole from the rst of Ghost Town. Initially, I sealed off the "jungle room" and the "center building" and connected them with an enclosed wooden bridge and a nexus point that links a set of teleporters to one another. It is playable on all game variants including infection. (Territories is set up for Flag Rally.) I can guarantee, with absolutely no ego, you have never seen forging on Ghost Town like this before. # Weapon, Equipment placed / Clip Size / Respawn Time Battle Rifle x4 / 2 / 30 secs Spikers x4 / 2 / 30 secs Shotgun x2 / 0 / 90 secs Plasma Grenade x4 / na / 30 secs Spike Grenades x4 / na / 30 secs Sentinel Beam x1 / na / 120 secs Flamethrower x1 / na / 120 secs Bubble Shield x1 / na / 60 secs Overview Pics Tunnel pics wooden bridge Geomerged Walls and Barriers Teleport locations Teleport Nexus Point Various Gameplay Pics
This is a great idea, good for some tunnel raid and conquest maybe Umm i think that the only problem that i can see is that the tunnels look alittle to choppy if you know what i mean, like the interlocked-boxes are sticking out and causing things to hit and smaller areas, but thats all i can really say. anyway good weapon choices except for the flamethrower eeew and btw, one of your pictures isnt working 4/5
The merged boxes run quite smooth actually. There is no "bouncing" if you know what I mean. The Flamethrower is actually an easter egg. It isn't exactly out in the open. To create one of the tunnel systems I had to do some really drastic interlocking, but it actually paid off. The map plays quite fluidly, I have a test video in my File Share if anyone cares to take a look.
Looks quite original, and I like it. It combines with Ghost Town's rugged look to make a harsh environment. Aesthetics are evident in this map, and it looks like it plays really well too. Great job on this one, Dj DiN. 8/10.
Ghost Town is a great map to practice geo-merging on. With all those bumps and inconsistencies you learn to improvise.
Could you fix the link evrytime I try and download it says the file not linked or something like that the map looks really good and I'm dying to try it out
Sorry, I had to change the weapon sets. I wasn't satisfied with the old set. Here is the link to Foxhole v.3, this is the current version in my fileshare. that is why v.2 link no longer works. Sorry for the inconvenience.