EGYPTIAN ATTACK! Download map EGYPTIAN ATTACK! Download gametype EGYPTIAN ATTACK! CTF *First time I've posted a map, so just let me know if I post wrong.* Supported Gametypes: 1 Flag CTF Team Slayer??? Map Description: This is an asymmetrical map on the dunes level of Sandbox. The attackers (Blue base) start in the SouthWest corner. Some weapons are available and also a warthog and mongoose to attack the pyramid (Red base) in the NorthEast corner of the map. There is a "road" that leads to the pyramid along the west side of the map, but watch out for the sniper in the sniper tower and laser tower(both in the vicinity of the NW corner of the map). An alternate route is through the graveyard to the E. There you can find a sword along with a rocket launcher (inside of a tomb). There are 3 levels to the pyramid. The front ramp takes you straight up to the top or 3rd level where you can drop in (hopefully) unsuspectedly. The second level is where the flag is and there are a total of 5 entrances to the second level. The first level is where several weapons are stored and also a powerup that spawns after 90 seconds that gives you a small speed boost and shield regen. Also on the first level, there are 2 warps to warp you to the aforementioned sniper tower and laser tower. After snatching the flag there are a few different routes to take. The most obvious is straight through the graveyard and back to the bridge that takes you to the second level of the attackers base (blue base). You still have to make it all the way to the top of the blue base to score. Another route is along the back wall and over the garage where the warthog and mongoose start. This is my first map ever creating, so I'm sure the map may not be balanced. But, I am open to any suggestions. Thank you. Also, along the SouthEast side of the map I made a row of blocks just to discourage anyone from taking the warthog a different route from what I intended. Red Base Blue Base Sniper Tower Sword and Tomb Pyramid 2nd level Pyramid 1st level #1 view Pyramid 1st level #2 view Horizon Let me know what you think.
i really like your map at all but my only complaint is the random blocks leading to the killball it all seems kind of irrelavent to the map you could have made a small structur with those objects dont just waste them because you can try to find a purpose for it.... other than that this map played well as a competitive map i tested it with my fellow clan members and spazmonkey92 enjoyed this map aswell. he thought for team BR's it played really well
I agree with im a bark ^^^. The killball seems un neccesary. However, I appreaciate that you made a map in the ground section, not many of those. The map is also ascetically pleasing as well as the foundations for some great gameplay. As mentioned, my only recoomendation would be to remove the kill ball. Also, Dont take your screenshots in forge, many people here in our community frown upon it and it also shows that you didnt take the time to test the map (possibly?)
i do like this map. i think it's a great map for your first post, it shows that you've worked on other maps before. i think the pyramid looks awesome, as well as the tomb. it shows that you put time to it. the merging looks very nice also. it's very clean and there's not much of it. i'm not saying that not much is a bad thing, but i guess its not showoff-ish. i bet you could create a much more showoff-ish map. [random, eh?] and i'm not sure what to say about the killball. i would say delete it unless the point of it is merely for aesthetics.
Yeah I would agree with the above comments there are a few totally unecessary things on this map however the rest of it looks pretty good it looks mpderatley well built and it is nicely asthetically pleasing there could be a few changes but I would have to play of and examine it more closely 3.9/5 I change my mind 4.3/5
Thanks alot for the great comments guys. I've never used forge before, but about a month ago, I discovered the "glitches" that people use in forge and was completely fascinated. I immediately started on a remake of the Beach level of the xbox game Return to Castle Wolfenstein on Foundry (The Allies must infiltrate an Axis base, steal documents, and transmit them via radio). Considering in order to make the map work, I needed to practically be an expert in the art of respawing, so I put aside the 99.9% completed map to begin on a Sandbox map which lead me to create a straight forward 1 flag CTF level that turned out to be Egyptian Attack!. I don't want to post the Wolfenstein map yet because I consider it a work in progress, which brings me to my question. Where can I find people to practice these maps with? I'm gonna redo Egyptian Attack! and fix the blocks leading to the Kill ball ( it was only intended to discourage the blue team from taking the East side of the map), and I also would want to test out the Beach - Castle Wolfenstein map so that I can correct the spawns. Any suggestions on where to find peeps. Thanks so much for all the info. And I do appreciate all the criticism, positive or negative.