im kind of tired of somtimes running out of money for my maps on legendary or possibly even mythic but whats the best way to do this im talking about the fx on the map dont know about you guys but its pretty hard to forge with any fx on so just inform me ive been told put it on a 180 spawn time but that will get anoying
I'm going to say don't place them until the map is finished because they don't show up outside of forge, and also if you can't see what you're forging when it/they come(s) on, odds are the players won't be able to see what they're killing when they're playing your map with the said effect(s). You could always use a budget glitched map if you really find it hard to keep some dosh spare at the end to buy your FX with. You could also use them as a guide when interlocking. You could set it to spawn after 150 seconds, so when you're interlocking your map, you know that the objects will be appearing in 30 seconds when the effect(s) come(s) on.
put some stuff aside that costs however much the FX costs like weapons or grenades and then go back when the map's done and delete that stuff and put the FX on.
Try this thread, it's a budget glitched canvas without any objects on the map. read the forum for more information.
A.) Calculate their cost and watch the budget. B.) Place items that are equal or greater than that cost. C.) Budget Glitch It But, imo, fx = fail. Good luck.