Discussion on "Corrupt Staff"

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Insane54, Mar 11, 2009.

  1. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I'm not going to say that any FH mods are corrupt, because theyre not, but I might just have a good long stare at Shiska for banning me and many other members on b.net for 2 weeks for "being stupid"...
  2. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    That's not corrupt, that's him not having enough time to deal with each person individually. We have that to a far lesser degree...though I'm fairly sure Shishka enjoys banning people, so that'd kinda different, lol.

    @sweeny: I don't know how long you've been around here, but I've been around since nov. 2007, and have no intention of just sitting aside and let the community get worse here. If it doesn't do anything, ah well. If it helps even a tiny bit it was worth the time.
  3. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    And that's why you're a mod! Albeit CORRUPTZ!
    Nah, you help hold this site together. I still don't see where [people are getting this "corruptz" **** from...
  4. overthehodge

    overthehodge Ancient
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    i do see where people are coming from with this corruption.
    i got warned for calling somebody a bastard, freedom of speech people.
    + some seem to think they r above the law.
    didnt tex abuse his power before?
  5. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    ...so maybe you shouldn't call somebody a bastard? This is a moderated forum, swearing at other people causes problems. Also, the whole point of a Warning is to...warn. It doesn't affect your profile in any way other than to tell you you did something against the rules and shouldn't anymore. We all know that nobody really cares about their 'internet points' much, infractions and warnings are to notify the person that their doing something wrong.

    Tex isn't a mod anymore.
  6. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    I don't think the length of time being here has anything to do with it. I understand, addressing the community is honorable but I don't feel like it works. There have been several instances where we attempted to explain what staff was about, and we still get the messages about being corrupt. It often brings up the point "If your innocent, why are you defending yourself so much." Yes, completely ignorant but that is how people think. I don't want to see this community get any worse, but keeping the discussion going about corruption is not doing anything, and I feel like ignoring it is the best course of action at this time. It is fine to try to change the minds of others, but I haven't seen that working all to well. Point is, we are not corrupt, we are not trying to destroy this site, and what anyone says about the subject will not change the facts. Those who continue to ramble on about how much they hate staff continue to do so, and if we just ignore their comments then perhaps other people will do so as well. Right now, the staff looks like they are in a sweat over this which is just what these people want, and trying to defend ourselves hasn't been working.
  7. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    That's why it's called a Discussion and not a statement...I'm welcoming them to post here with their thoughts.
  8. Roche178

    Roche178 Ancient
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    Corruption is thrown around so much these days it has lost all meaning get a grip people.
  9. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Above the law? Really?

    You got warned for insulting another member. If I called you a bastard I'd get warned too (probably, lol). It has nothing to do with freedom of speech and everything to do with respect. You will respect other members of this community or you'll pay the price, regardless of what you think of them. Pretty simple concept that a lot of people fail to grasp. Every site has their own rules (most of them common sense) and without them the internet would be even more retarded than it already is.
  10. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    US law does not apply to the internet you ******
  11. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    ^^^ That is another issue i want to address. Some of the ways our "loyal" members talk to normal members is disgusting.
  12. Azrius

    Azrius Ancient
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    I've said it before, and I'll say it again. 99% of the people who are carrying on and raising a fuss about the staff being "corrupt" are just irked members who are throwing temper tantrums because "OMFG DEY INFRACKTED MEH!".

    Rules are rules, kiddies. They work much the same way as in any other place. You break a law in conventional society, you have legal action taken against you. You break a rule on forgehub, and the staff busts your ass with a banhammer.

    Yes, sometimes the staff can be harsh with some members and not with others. Yes, sometimes they can seem 'unfair'. But they're only human, as Insane54 has stated numerous times, and as many of you seem to so often forget. They can't be everywhere at once. They make mistakes. I'd like to see some of you take up the position of a staff member. See how long you last when you get yelled at by juvenile children for simply doing your job.

    A lot of you will cite IceFrapuccino's recent ban as evidence for the corruption of the staff- I've looked into it a bit, and honestly....there's being an asshole in a witty sense, and there's crossing the line. From what I understand, he crossed the line one too many times. There's a lot of members who are in full agreement with his ban.

    And even in the unlikely instance that the vocal lot are "corrupt"? lyke, guyz dis is teh internetz. stuffs on hur don't mattr kthxbai.

    I'll leave you with one final picture that more or less sums up my thoughts on the people pissing and moaning about the "corrupt staff":


    Visual aids are fun, aren't they?
  13. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    It's entirely possible he was trying to prove a point that even Teh Culurz can get infractions. Or not, but the point was made regardless.
  14. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    You can't be human without being corrupt at the same time.
    End of story.
  15. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    I don't think that they are corrupt because that as the definition says bribery and what is there to bribe with on FH. All though there have been a few isolated of bullying. Some of the featured choices seems to favor colored members but I mean if you see a strangers map or your friends map your going to choose your friend's map 9 out of ten time.
  16. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Those are being discussed as I type actually. Also, that's not how features work. The reason it seems that colored name maps seem to get featured more often (it's really not that more often, especially considering all of Premiums got their ranks from being a noncolored member) is because we usually test together. That way we help each other on the map until it's perfect. When we test other maps for feature, little things keep them from getting it (bad spawns, boring weapon layout, doesn't support a gametype when it is competitive, etc)...if you have seen a map that you think is worth of a feature (remember, we're trying to raise the level of quality of Features), post it in 'Want to see a map featured?' in Forge Discussion, and we'll be sure to check it out.
  17. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    the remaining staff arent corrupt
    but thats not to say that all the former staff were
    but some were
    but now its k guys :]
    now to expell all the spam nubs and OT board

    nobody ever replied to the nomination of critical strike ¬_¬
  18. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    I'm not referring to the literal definition of corrupt, and to be honest, no, I did not read Insane's whole post, as I was strapped for time.

    If you are in fact trying to express that the staff members are perfect and that none of them have ever done something to better themselves at the expense of others, that is foolish. As Tex stated, the staff are not perfect. They are liable to mistakes just as the rest of us are. I, for one, cannot recall any specific time when the staff did such a thing, but I'm sure there were numerous times when these things occurred under our noses.

    TDF practically stated himself that the higher up members and staff are not to be 100% trusted in his goodbye thread.

    Perhaps a better term to describe any injustices that I suspect going on within the staff would be selfishness, in some cases.

    Once again, I'm not saying the staff are corrupt or anything, but I believe that there could very well have been unknown instances of underhanded acts.
  19. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    You see when the chips are down,these ugh "civilized" people. They'll EAT each other.
    -The Joker

    Ummm, from what I've seen, mods are not corrpupt. And I find it really ridiculous to actually even consider such a thing. All colored ranks are given to those showing that they are responsible and helpful. An mod wouldn't have gotten mod in the first place if they were not.

    I remember back in Spring of 08 when FH was much more smaller. There was absolutely no talk of such a thing of staff being corrupt. "Ridurous" as Scooby Doo would put it. But as it grew, there was an obvious influx of "bad" members who just whined and whined and didn't take responsibility for any of their actions.
    Thus, a consequence was made, and along with that consequence came an accusation.

    With a larger population you are bound to have more people that desire a color rank.
    Look at wiggums, why did he leave?
    Because he wanted a color rank. So basically what I'm trying to say, is that the majority of people making these accusations are just people who are irresponsible and want to blame their infractions on corrupt mods, really want their map to get more noticed and thus get featured and finally, they just want to have a colored name.

    So yea, Hi Aaron!
  20. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Are you kidding? Spring '08 was pretty much the peak of these 'Staff Are Corrupt' naysayers. In fact, that's about when we enacted most of the changes to the site to make it 'less corrupt'.

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