Redundancy is a mixture of Guardian, Narrows, and something a little new. It works for all Gametypes, but plays best with CTF and Slayer with teams of 2. Redundancy is asymmetrical, having both a Red Base and a Blue Base, as well as a Neutral Base. Weapon List: x1 Sniper Rifle x1 Shotgun x1 Fuel Rod Gun x1 Sentinel Beam x2 Spiker x4 SMG x4 Plasma Rifle x2 Plasma Pistol x2 Covenant Carbine x12 Battle Rifle x2 Magnum Redundancy Centerpeice Neutral Base Play Ball! Beamin'! Airstrike Download Redundancy HERE Please leave all comments on this map here. Constructive criticism is welcomed...
Thats actually really nice pelgore, the form and shape look alot better than most ive seen. well done
It is a mix or narrows and guardian. I like that kinda of layout you chose to make. Perhaps, as shown in the 3rd picture, you could make another pathway going out of the room so its not much of a dead end. Also for aesthetic purposes only I wouldve interlocked the mancannon into the ground its on.
I like this map alot the weapon choice is my favorite thing about it, it is good you didnt just put MLG weapons in I think the fuel rod gun wont be to overpowering, because of the size and multiple levels of the map. I like the side part by the mancannons the most the little tunnel overpass thing provides nice cover when trying to move to the mancannon. 5/5
I wont be able to download this for a lil because my xbox is getting fixed, but I like the looks of it, the only thing I would reccomend is possible interlocking the mancanoons to give it a better look, because the whole "blueness"stands out when all of the blocks are brown
This is almost the best sandbox map I have ever seen. I have looked around and just loved the construction. All of the details, and the weapon placement is superb. The one thing that I would change is the size. Maybe make it a bit larger but other than that, amazing work! 10/10
The Fuel Rod is not very overpowering on this map due to the fact it doesn't have any extra clips and there are many angled features that cause some of its shots to bounce off into nothingness.
nice map and it also gave me a good idea for a map. maybe ill actually post this one. the layout looks kinda bland from the outside but the gameplay had a nice twist to it. a little more interlocking could make the map look a little more proffesional but i dont think it is really needed.
Yeah, man. Go ahead and use that idea. I'm interested to see what it is, so when you get it up PM me.
I agree, the idea is good but the execution is poor. The man cannons frequently launch you in strange ways that arent intended, and you can also break the map and get on top of the base by using them. The map is sloppy in some parts, but very neat in others. It could use you going back in and cleaning up things a bit as well. 2/5 for the good idea though.
Yeah, I see where you're coming from. Did you break the map on Red Side? I thought that with my final adjustments you couldn't do that...
Thanks for all the feedback on my map! P.S. I also forgot to include that this map works for Conquest V3...