Sandbox Foundation Reloaded

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by stickynizzle, Mar 11, 2009.

  1. stickynizzle

    stickynizzle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ok Thanks alot, i really apriciate the constructive criticism esecialy from Rebornyeti
    my maps wouldnt get better if people didnt point out faults and you sumerised them pretty nicely, Thanks :p

    and on another note concerning the manncannon's, when i replace them with grav lifts its almost as iff the grav lifts disapear when somone uses them, even on instant respawn they dont come back, im not sure if its just my xbox or what, i did merge the lift with the block sitting on it so im not sure if thats the reason.

    again thanks evryone for taking the time to check out my map :p
  2. stickynizzle

    stickynizzle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks evryone who showd some interest an took the time to download my map.

    peace out.
  3. Duckyz

    Duckyz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow did you say this is your 1st map that youve posted, very good and i like the tease of the flying but cant

    4/5 its got my dl
  4. stickynizzle

    stickynizzle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah this is my first attempt at making somthing half tocent in gforge,
    yeah the Banshee and hornet are nice teases, ive seen a few maps that have vehicles as scenery that i allways want to use but cant. e.g The pit and Rat Trap
    Thanks for your 4/5
    #24 stickynizzle, Mar 12, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2009
  5. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Agreed, the walls need to be higher. Someone could easily escape if they really wanted to.

    Other than that, this looks like a fantastic remake. I'm not a huge fan of the block in the middle. It makes a symmetrical map asymmetrical. It's not too big of a deal though. Oh, and the obelisks you put above each corner? Awesome. Very original. This is by far the best Foundation remake I have ever seen.

    Great job.
    #25 Love Slice, Mar 25, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2009

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