Introduction Master Mak X Here

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Master Mak X, Mar 12, 2009.

  1. Master Mak X

    Master Mak X Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hi there ForgeHub. I'm Master Mak X (aka Metal Mak Z). My name comes from three of my favourite things. Metal is part of an old account I used for games called Metal_Arrow, Mak is partially short for McC like Scottish names since mine is McCallum and Z because of the awsome show Dragon Ball Z. I also was an Elite Member in HaloTracks for a Year and a bit. My Ghost Town Race Track. Spectre Valley won the title of Third Best Small DLC Racetrack of 2008.

    I joined ForgeHub since I have forever had a love of forging ever since Halo 3 came out. Also my friend TAZONG kept bugging me about it :lol:.

    My Hobbies are Play Video Games, Going on the Computer, Drawing, Swimming and Watching Anime Shows like Bleach & Dragon Ball Z.

    My Real Life Name is Angus McCallum, I am aged 15-16 Years Old and I live in The United Kingdom (Great Britain). Though I have a voice of a 12 Year Old, I have the intellect of an average 15-16 year old so don't be confused. :happy:

    So yeah I hope to have fun with you guys on ForgeHub. I will add my maps as soon as I can and If you want to play with me just add me on XBL with my Gamertag (Metal Mak Z)

    Master Mak X
  2. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Tehehe, high voice :D

    No worries we on't judge you on it, we can't hear you.
    I'm guessing you're from Scotland specifically because of your name?

    Anyway, your writing seems mature enough and quite a good forger too.
    Check out the rules and this new way of uploading screenshots here.
    Stick around and enjoy your time here!
  3. Master Mak X

    Master Mak X Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey Thanks Dude, BTW I'm actually from England It's just that my Dad is Scottish. He gave me my name cause he loved it.
  4. Wolverine

    Wolverine Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hi, You'll love the forums if you love forging. Its cool around here and there is some mean people *cough* Triple 08 no im just kidding. Triple 08 is a good person to meet around here. He's very nice. *wink wink* Well, yea my gamertag is xpWn3r kiDx tAt if you want to add me and um Have fun.

    P.S. If you need to learn something about the forum or forge itself the foging 101 colum is great for it.
  5. supertoaster

    supertoaster Ancient
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    welcome to forgehub.

    Senior Member

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    Welcome to the site... If you have any questions regarding the site then feel free to ask me or a fellow colored member. I'm sure you will enjoy yourself here as I have over the year I have been here. Please be sure to read the rules when you decide to start posting a map.

    I also take a liking in watching Anime. Except I don't watch/don't like the certain Anime you watch. Thanks, to my good friend Frag Man he often points me to other good Anime to watch in my free time. My current favorites Anime: (In no particular order)
    • 'The melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya', 'Rumbling Hearts', 'Suzuka', 'Rozen Maidens' (Watching now), And lastly 'Chobits', (that I need to start watching).
    As you can see I like to watch Anime like you. Except maybe I'm more into the Japanese style Anime that has let to be translated into English. All of the Anime that I told you are my favorites and maybe you too will like them too.

    Enjoy the Site!
  7. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ahh yes, welcome to Forge hub, I also really like Anime, I watch a lot of Naruto, and I play games for DragonBall Z, but welcome if you ever want to play Send me a message and friend request on Xbox live.
    Gamertag: Zanitor.
    HAve a great time!
  8. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Argh Blargh!! I hate anime.

    Welcome to FH and can't wait to see your maps.
  9. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ah ha. Don't worry about the voice thing. My voice sounds really nasal-y and annoying when I talk on XBL, but it's really not that way. Nice to have some new people with Race Track experience on Forge Hub. I don't see that many race maps.

    Welcome to Forge Hub!

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