Sandbox Spire v1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Moshin Joshn, Mar 9, 2009.

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  1. Moshin Joshn

    Moshin Joshn Ancient
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    #1 Moshin Joshn, Mar 9, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2009
  2. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    Those tube lifts in the corners are sweet. This one of the best crypt maps I've seen. Some actions pics would be good for this post, though. I can picture some epic multiflag or assault pics. They would help to let us know what we would be doing on the map, and for scale. Great job for your first map post. Keep making maps.

    Also, saying Version 1 makes it seem unfinished. If the map ends up needing major improvements then jump right to V2. Just call it Spire. Actually, there is already at least one map on this site already named Spire. Try searching for the name you want before you decide on one.
  3. El3CTRONiC

    El3CTRONiC Ancient
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    uhh i dont like this map... and you cant bold the title. it seems to open to have sniper rifles and i dont understand where the name came from, good job on the post though and i suggest taking a look at forging 101 for some good forging tips
  4. Moshin Joshn

    Moshin Joshn Ancient
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    Spire-the highest point or summit of something: the spire of a hill; the spire of one's profession.

    and in play testing it i had no problems with the sniper being overpowering, but thanks for the feedback.

    And i will try to get some actiom shots up when they are available. i forgot to save the films of playtesting and the que filled up with films of other maps i am almost done forging
  5. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
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  6. Moshin Joshn

    Moshin Joshn Ancient
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    Thank you for the CONSTRUCTIVE feedback.

    My original idea was with larger towers, but it became to difficult to take out the sniper, and as for the windows, they are ther to provide some cover but remove the ability for the sniper to see some parts of the map such as right beneath him to keep the vantage point balanced. If he wanted to see these parts, he would have to move, exposing him more. This was one of the things that we decided on when playtesting also.
  7. El3CTRONiC

    El3CTRONiC Ancient
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    intriguing (is that how u spell it) this is the maps name it counts for the entire map and being that i dont consider this maps focus to be the spires i feel the name is irrelavant

    .and notice the constructive critism right here

    id also like to say on a side note i
    can be constructive because my opinion can count towards critism

    being that your a trainee i thought id suggest it... congrats on the post and congrats x2 on the ability to realize i gave constructive critism

    thats what that is right... u cpitalized the CONSTRUCTIVE to emphasize my first post ... to kind
  8. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    this actually looks really good for a first post. although you posted this in the competetive maps section, i think this would make a fantastic mlg map with a few tweaks; it already has the 2 base "amplified" format, so all you would need to do is fix the spawns and weapons.

    thanks for going to the trouble of setting it up for more than one gametype, thats another thing people usually miss but you nailed it.
  9. Moshin Joshn

    Moshin Joshn Ancient
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    I didn't post it in MLG because i didn't want to make the first version so without the weapons and equipment. But if it is well liked i'll see how it plays. Thanks
  10. Phan7om Pain

    Phan7om Pain Ancient
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    Well done just got through playing it with some friends. I really enjoyed it. Comments have been made that it is two open for snipers. I would tend to disagree it seem pretty balanced. One thing you might try is placing snipers on the ground level so that players can take out those pesky sniper campers. However the rocket worked pretty well for me to keep them under control. Well done one of the funner crypt maps i have played
  11. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    the map layout as well as the aesthetic value in the map is great, looks perfectly symmetrical and will dl

  12. Moshin Joshn

    Moshin Joshn Ancient
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    Thanks all. Has anyone played it that can send me videos so i can get some action shots up?
  13. Pel

    Pel Ancient
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    That's pretty sweet. I'm 60% done with a map that uses the same idea that you had with those towers. 4.1/5
  14. EchoViper99

    EchoViper99 Ancient
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    Hope you don't mind

    i really like the main bases... i'm gunna make mine similar (pretty similar) if you don't mind of course. i just like how they looked and they look like they have a good gameplay effect. and i also like the middle, reminds me of sanctuary (trying to get a sanctuary'ish feel of my map.
  15. Moshin Joshn

    Moshin Joshn Ancient
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    v2 is officially in the works and it includes a shortening of the towers, a ground setting of the snipers and an expansion of cover. Any other things that need to be done?
  16. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    These were the general thoughts of shadow viper, myself and Transactionzero.

    Spawn level floor is too open. Increase size of center structure. Needs a bit more diversity in levels (not just ground floor/on box high). Sniper shouldn't be at the top of towers. Move the needler away from the rocket. Fairly smooth, interlocking is good. Map layout is generally competitive.

    Overall I thought you have a pretty good start on the map. The towers IMO didn't need to be lowered, and it sounds as if you have moved the snipers. Shadow had suggested you lower the towers though. I personally think you need a bit more terrain changes, .5/1.5/2 box heights rather than just floor, box height and towers. All in all, a great looking sandbox map.
  17. Moshin Joshn

    Moshin Joshn Ancient
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    Well I'm almost done with v2. I've been forcing myself to work on it even while I'm making my new map. The big differences are the now shorter towers, the taller middle structure, some more diverse cover structures that i came up with while forging my other maps, and finally, a little aesthetics to help with the blandness of sandbox.

    any other necessities?
    #17 Moshin Joshn, Mar 25, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2009
  18. Minime637

    Minime637 Ancient
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    yeah this map looks relaly solid, especially for the crypt. first off i absolutely love the tube lifts that is very kewl and very creative, good job on that. the rest of the map also looks really nice, well built and well designed, i dont think that there should be any major balance issues i agree that there could be a sniper downlow for people to pic off the upper snipes but you do have the rockets so yeah.
    all in all a really great crypt map.
  19. Arc7ic

    Arc7ic Ancient
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    mk lol was gunna dl here but now it's not here ='[
  20. LIGHTSOUT225

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    thread closed as I see theres a v2 thread now.

    In the future, just update the first thread as opposed to creating a new one.
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