yep. tube ramps have been fixed. Did some testers guild testing to see what to do for v2 and the only one who posted feedback said all positive things except for problems with 1 spawnpoint and some weapons difficulty. but that will all be fixed soon.
K I had a lil forge-through a couple hours ago and I was really impressed. Like I assumed, the layout is rather nice. You have some great structures that serve tremendous purpose in the way the map plays. I like the man cannons to the bases, and I appreciate the fact that the column X's in front of each base are staggered a bit so that players can get up there. very cool. My only suggestion, design-wise, would be to interlock tube ramps into the bottom edges of the central structure for easier traversal. Would make it easier on players on foot as well as offer more routes for ambitious mongoosers. My only other concern with the map is with some of the respawn timers on the weapons/vehicles. You have both hornets, the laser, and both sniper rifles all coming back at 30s. That is faar too soon. Id suggest 150s on the laser, 3 minutes on the hornets, and 2 minutes on the snipers with just one clip each. Just suggestions, you could certainly switch those times around a bit as you see fit, but like I said 30s is waay too soon for such power to respawn. Either way, I can't wait to get some real games here! Great work.
Yeah. i noticed this when i was playing it also. This is something i had fixed when i first set them, but for some reason it went back, but regardless, ill fix it. and i like the idea of the tube ramps for the middle.