DUCK HUNTIN'! V1 By The1ToFear. GT: A jacal DUCK HUNTIN'! and OPEN SEASON HAS BEEN UPDATED. PLEASE DOWNLOAD THE NEWEST VERSION BELOW. SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE. Hi everyone, This is my first map on Sandbox with the very popular Infection gametype, 'Duck Hunt'. ---------- For all of you who don't know what 'Duck Hunt' is, let me explain to you. IF YOU ALREADY KNOW WHAT DUCK HUNT IS, SKIP THIS SECTION. > Duck Hunt is a gametype where a 'hunter' or the 'infected' player is in a confined space where he only has his sniper rifle. > The aim of the game is to kill the hunter. This is where the Ducks come in. > The Ducks have to go through a course, dodging the hunter's sniper. > If one of the Ducks reach the 'destination', they can kill the hunter by various ways. > Some ways include: Access to the hunters 'room'. A Custom Powerup giving the Duck a chance at killing the hunter. And there is a lot more ways that people have made up over the year. > The Ducks are one shot kill, so one shot anywhere on the body is an instant kill. --------- Duck Huntin'! Is a bit different from your normal Duck Hunt maps. 1. Its on Sandbox. 2. When you die, you go to the 'spectator' room, instead of just running out of lives. 3. Its more FUN! --------- Some things you should know about Duck Huntin'!: 1. The hunter CANNOT escape his space. Its all locked up. 2. When a duck dies, it turns infected. Thus spawning on the spectator perch. 3. As I say below, the map is UN-CHEATABLE! You can't jump to the next space! 4. For the hunter to see the top level, he must crouch. This isn't much of a problem, its just the design of the box. 5. There is a problem I saw, if the hunter dies, he respawns. On the spectator stand. But this will be fixed soon enough. If this happens, just let the hunter jump off the spectator stand. THIS ONLY HAPPENS SOMETIMES. --------- Now the pics: The Hunter's Confined Space. (I think it's a pretty cool room, actually). Overview 1 of the Course. Overview 2. Spectating Spot. The Ducks spawn in a tunnel that connects to a teleporter that brings them here, to the start of the course: And if the Ducks get to the end of the course, they go into the teleporter: And come out here: Then they get the Custom Powerup and Rocket to kill the hunter: The map is UN-CHEATABLE! You cannot skip/jump to another part of the course. (But if there is a way, please tell me!) I tried to make the map as clean as possible, so you could look at it with out going: "OmG THIs WAS RuSHED". (By the way, it isn't rushed). So, I hope you'll have fun with the map! Here's the map: Duck Huntin'! Here's the Gametype: Open Season (Updated regularly for updates) _______________________________
I will surely download this to try it out, it looks like fun. I think you done a pretty nice job on that little room. I will give a better review once Xbox is back anyways, but nice map of what I see
Thanks, dude. It is fun, I was playing it just then. Yea, I do like that little room aswell. It gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside.
Very nice map.I like how you use the word un-cheatable. So the part I like the most is the hunter's box.And the way you put together is nice.Very nice and smooth.I love it. 4/5.
Very, very fun map to play. I like your idea of the spectator room (I have had this idea before, but you implemented it well). It is actually one of the more fun duck hunt maps. But I have a question. If they have more then one life, when the hunter dies, wouldn't he just respawn?
No - the ducks die and become zombies. Thus spawning on the spectator stand. It works fine! EDIT: Oh Im sorry, double post!
YES i am so happy someone has done this and done it better then the original. finally the hunter base is as you said "uncheatable"! the rest of the map looks really f\good it looks well constructed and is nicley laid out, i also really like the spectator area that is kewl. i shall definitavely download and play ALOT!! 5/5
im a big fan of the foundry duck hunt so im gona have to give this one a try the hunters box looks really cool with the bar across and all
Thanks dude! Yea, there are somethings you can do in Foundry that you cant do in Sandbox, but I think I've made it pretty good.
Thanks for this map. I was always wondering when this game would come to Sandbox. It was always fun to play on foundry, but people would always cheat. I'm downloading it now.
EDIT:^^FIirestalk, way to spam! Hey, tried your map and it's...okay. On the positive side, it's fun, and gives people ideas for future maps(LOVE the ending by the way)and I'm glad someone made a new duck hunt, because I love the one on foundry, but on the other's just short and you move WAAAAAY too slowly and completely ruins gameplay. Which will lead up to another problem. If you're THAT slow, when you move away from the entrance onto the first level, there's no bubble shield right at the start, so someone gets destroyed while exiting, making it really retarded. The solution of course for me and my friends is jst to use the normal duck hunt pre-sets. This map definetly could've been longer, with the amount of objects and space you have at your disposal in foundry. Take elements from the original duck hunt, and improve them for instance. All in all, okay. Not as good as the first, but it's a good attempt, and you did add some cool things, like the rocket ending. So I'll only give 3.5/5, but duck hunt is the kind of things that can be easily imprpoved upon.
This is V1, so I will improve it as I go along. As soon as you come out, it is possible, even with a good sniper, to jump and get the bubble shield. But with more people it is way more harder for the sniper.
You should have really submitted this to the Tester's Guild to make sure it really is unbreakable, but well done on being the first to make a duck-hunt map. The map altogether looks vaey clean, but was it really necessary to put it all in the skybubble?