Orly? I think that most of these are effective, efficient and useful tactics. When I used to actually play halo, I was a Colonel Level 3 and and 43 in TS. I have seen this numerous times in MLG matches featuring players such as Tsquared, Walshy Yhslaw, both Ogres, and many more. Camping for a few short seconds to let your shields regenerate or as a lure to get the enemy around the corner and shoot their head off with a shotgun. However, camping all game with a sword or shotgun is somewhat noobish. Again, used by MLG, and done a lot more than anybody realises. The simple term used for this is kill 'stealing' and is done all the time in every FPS game on every console. Not quite noobish. Picture this: If you had the opportunity to take rocket+sniper/Rocket+sword or shotgun, why wouldn't you? Unless one of your other teammates wants one of them, I would take them! Whoever saw this potential in the otherwise useless plasma pistol is a friggin genius. This is quite possibly the most useful and efficient use of any weapon in the game. Unless you count killing all 15 players in the game with 1 sniper shot. Good luck. Again, done a lot more than people think. I have gotten tons of kills just throwing grenades in the enemies general direction. I got an extermination on narrows with two randomly thrown sitckys for the love of god! The only thing I would actually consider 'semi-noobish.' Hey, it's an easy gun to use and it got a huge upgrade from Halo 2. If you want to use it, use it. I'll be busy shooting the rest of your team in the head with the sniper you walked right past. theres my two (or three) bits. Enjoy! Mike
I think the needler should be an Mlg weapon, because if you are good, it is extremely easy to circle strafe away from it, and its a guaranteed kill from behind, which is the main focus of MLG, to get behind your oponent.(in some cases)
I only play MLG so that solves the problem of Camping. I do have to admit, in every FFA I play, I do tend to be a janitor: yet that is what everyone calls me... I horde only the Sniper. I see no point in the rockets cause I kill myself with them too much. BTW, I also have a 5* Mullar. MLG fixed the noob combo, so unless you have a ridiculous Strafe, it's almost pointless. I never nade spam. Every granade I throw is on point, that's why my nades Gobble you UP! Needler = FAIL
Camping-not really bad unless you are in the head and you are better then the people you are killing. -Janitoring-Nearly impossible on purpose. -Hording power weapons-Only a noob tactic if you require them to win. -plasma pistol combo-... the plasma pistol is hard to hit someone with it (easy to evade) -Grenade spamming-(unless you are out of ammo or someone is camping)Definently, if you cant kill with a weapon because of crappy aiming skills,your a noob/newbie. -Using the needler-people can evade them easily