Well this is an argument that goes all the way back to foundry. Should your pics be taken in forge? Most say no, because the spawn points make it difficult to get a feel for the map layout. With the new grid system in sandbox, it is EXTREMELY annoying and makes the map almost impossible to get a feel for. This is why I believe that it should now be part of FH standards for all map screeenshot to not be taken in forge. Does anyone agree?
I don't really see this as a very debatable topic. Basically, as far as FH goes, and the opinion of most people, is that a screenshot shouldn't be taken in forge, so you don't see things like spawn points and whatnot... This is just to improve quality, and plus, pics should usually be taken in a custom game, to also get good gameplay pictures... As I said though, this isn't really much of a debate, no offense. Maybe get this moved to like, Forge Discussion?
Well im debating on wether it should be a rule or not, i had a hard time thinking of which section to put it in
I'd say this would probably belong in Forging discussion. Failing that, general chat/off topic. I'm with Pigglez, it's definitely not something that's really all that debatable....it's more a member's scruple with one of the rules of FH.
you guys, this thread is mainly geared toward the addition of the "grid" in sandbox, i know its a long held argument, but i think that it should now be a requirement
I still don't consider this a debate, and think it belongs in another subforum....there's very little one can say on a topic such as this, especially since it's bundled with a poll- it's essentially a 'yes' or 'no' answer, with very little logical argument required. I'm in agreement with the 'screenshots out of forge' requirement- it's not too difficult to take a video of the map and then take a bunch of shots that way, after all.
Taking screenshots in forge mode is poor form, especially now that we have the grid, with that there's very little debate. Whether or not the issue is important enough to warrant an actual rule change is a debatable topic however. I'm going with no, it shouldn't be an official rule that you have to have screenshots of your map and they have to be out of forge mode. Look at the current standards for picture posting shall we? You must post pictures of your map. They have to be embedded not linked from your fileshare. They have to be big enough to see. You're proposing that we add Pictures must be taken in a custom game. Well, if we're going to be adding rules about the quality of the pictures posted, why don't we go ahead and add that they have to be action shots so we can get a feel for how the map plays? How about you have to have pictures of both forge and a custom game, so we can tell the spawn layout? How about video? Really, once you've gotten to the point where you have to post pictures, nitpicking over their quality is just silly. I don't even fully agree with the requirement that pictures be embedded, because I think it should be up to the poster how far above the minimum requirements he is going to go. People posting poor pictures would signal a map he isn't willing to go an extra 10 minutes in posting, and a map probably not worth downloading.
I agree with both sides. The grid and various items can ruin the 'feel' of a map but seeing the spawn points can help in advising in spawn placements. There is not much that you can say about this, it carries weight on both sides.
Well, I can agree that things here can get pretty strict, especially when it comes to spam, but im not going into detail about that. But perhaps adding a reccomendation when starting a thread to take screenshots out of forge. It gets annoying, with the wave of new members that we get to tell them to not take them in forge. Also, usualy the maps that DO have screenshots in forge, are the ones that arent worth downloading anyway. It also hints that they might have not even played a game on the map yet (let alone tested it) so perhaps there can be a section in the requirements that RECCOMENDS it?
There's no question that it's easier to review a map when the screenshots are taken from a custom game. But why put so much of a burden on the moderators by adding a rule that would be broken on an hourly basis? If the map looks like crap to you, don't download it. It's not your fault, it's the mapmaker's fault.
Thats why i think there should atleast be a reccomendation on the "READ THIS BEFORE POSTING YOUR MAP" rule. Also, the 1 embedded pic requirement is broken everytime i get on forgehub >.>
Well, sure. Of course it would be fine to add a posting tip/recommendation somewhere, but it would be very unnecessary to enforce it as a rule.
Whenever a map has pictures taken in forge mode I assume that the map creator hasn't taken the time to playtest (if they can't even be arsed to load up a custom by themselves then I doubt they've taken the time to actually spend several hours play testing everything). In which case I have no interest in downloading. So in conclusion, yes I think it should be FH standard, but it's also a good measure to know which maps are actually worth downloading.
For a conquest map, you should most likely include some screens with the spawns. .. One or two. For the rest, I believe screenshot quality is better from custom games. Not only is it less hectic and pleasing to the eye, but it's also a lot clearer. Especially in the crypt. When I first tried out a map of mine there, one that I'd never seen outside of forge, I was stunned: A map looks so much prettier without the grid. There should be an option to turn off the grid, though. So, yeah, if there was a rule that screenshots -had- to be from custom games, you couldn't post screenshots were you simply want to show off your perfectly placed spawns - if you wanted to. For me, there's just two types of screenies you need to incorporate: Scenery shots, to show the maps Action shots, to show some gameplay, wet the appetite for the viewers. So, no, don't add another rule. The newbies have enough trouble posting their maps as it is.