Operation: Photo Shoot What is this operation you speak of? Operation: Photo Shoot was an idea I thought of a while back. With the discovery of "cool effects" most Halo screenshots are lacking the originality that they once had. Many people love the pictures of Spartans holding sniper rifles with random colors behind them but I, as well as many others, have come to hate this. With the release of my new blog, and aided by the help of Catmon, I have decided to finally put my plan into action. Details, please? Operation: Photo Shoot will be a Matchmaking and Custom games "party" in which we will try and capture screenshots throughout the game. The begging of OPS will start with a variety of MM games, mostly BTB games but it can go on into many other games, depending on party size. During the matchmaking games, we will try and set ourselves up for good shots. For example, if one of my teammates has the flag, I might show up with a warthog/gunner and, instead of taking the safest route to the base, I will go balls-out straight through the enemy. This action could have the potential for a great screenshot, whihc is what OPS is all about. We are not playing for competitiveness nor skill. This is simply for funness and creativity. After we have had a good deal of MM games we will switch over to customs and do the same thing. This will allow us, in some cases, to have a larger party and to increase the fun. Maps are still in the process of being decided but we will try and play most Forge Hub favorites as well as personal favorites. After this is over, we will try and create staged pictures for those that still want to play. We are open to all ideas for pictures. After the whole event is over we will ask that everyone who participated to go and review the games that they played and try and grab some cool shots. I will review all the pictures and take the best to post here, as well as my blog. *Full credit will go to the author.* Sounds fun. Who, what, when, and where? My gamertag is Blue Pariot and I will have my party open on 3/14/09 (This Saturday) and 3/15/09 (This Sunday) at 2:00 pm. I am GMT -8. You can find the timezone list here. *I will be open to any changes if the majority wants it* So, I heard you have rules... But of course. Here is the list of rules that we ask you to follow: Do not scream/shout/play music through the mic. Please be considerate and let everyone have a chance to talk. Do not get mad because we are losing. The point is to have fun, not win. This includes getting mad at other members, as well. Please listen to me, Catmon, or any other person that I appoint. Failure to comply to any of these rules will result in discovering what the shape of Italy is. (BOOT!) Boots are for n00bs. Where do I sign up? You can sign up by doing any of the following: Signing up on this thread (duh!) by following the format in the spoiler: Spoiler Gamertag: MM, Customs, Staged, All: Time Zone: Day: Comments (if any): Sending me a friend request on the day of the event. I will not accept the request but you will still be able to receive an invite from me. If you sign up on this thread you will get the priority pick. Sounds fun... I'll go! I hope this will be fun and allow the community (at least the screenshot lovers) to get to know each other. Please, any questions and comments are welcome. *EDIT* Me and Catmon (thanks to PandaMan) have decided that we will now host this event on Saturday and Sunday. Please be sure to specify what day you want to play when signing up. You can do both.
Aw man I'd love to be in this, but it's on Saturday. If your doing it any other day sometime later (other than Friday too) I'd love to be a part. I'll try to get some recon owners I've come across to help out, if you'd like.
Gamertag: Krootalus MM, Customs, Staged, All: MM, Customs, maybe staged, depending on what they are Time Zone: West coast: California Comments (if any): how long will this last?, and i may or may not be able to do this. I have a good idea, btb ctf, we should get 2 hogs and a mongoose, mongoose has flag, and hogs are gunner and driver and we go through enemy and flag holder tries to kill an enemy with the flag if pulled off = win. oh and i'll change back to spartan prob. oh fyi i do not have the mythic maps.
I might be able to change the day to Sunday or next weekend. If all goes well, though, I will definitely do this again. Perhaps expand to more than one party. Mythic maps wont be needed. We will require Legendary, though, seeing as how we will be playing BTB The times are really up in the air right now. I will most likely play at least an hour of each but it can be extended based on what the party wants. I am totally flexible and open to all ideas.
I looove this, I'll TRY to make it, but there's a lot of factors that could have me end up not being there. If that's the case, sorry, I wanted to do this =/ Gamertag: Okage4 MM, Customs, Staged, All: MM and Customs for sure, not sure if I'd be interested in Staged, we'll see. Time Zone: PST (GMT -8) Comments (if any): I actually have a custom gametype I use for taking some sick action shots. It's called Screenshots, surprise! I've actually gotten a lot of fairly sick pictures just by playing around with some friends with that gametype.
Gamertag: RebornYeti MM, Customs, Staged, All: All Time Zone: U.S. MST (Mountain Standard Time) Comments (if any): I've always wanted to stage some screenshots, or just set up for some really sweet screens, so I'm definitely down.
Gamertag: stickmanmeyhem ( U already have me as a friend) MM, Customs, Staged, All: Both, wait, what? I mean All. Time Zone: -8 same as u Day: Anything after friday... SPRING BREAK FTW! Comments (if any): I completely hate effects because they ruin the way screenshots were supposed to be taken and now screenshots are only considered "Good" if they have an effect.
I'd like to do this too, but if it's 2:00pm where you live, it's 12:00am in Britain where I live Could you possibly do it any earlier? My details anyway Gamertag: EpicFishFingers MM, Customs, Staged, All: MM! Time Zone: GMT Day: Either, it'll probably be neither with the current times Comments (if any):
As you have read, I'm already a part of OPS. I love the BTB idea Blue came up with, and really look forward to those weekend games. Blue and I have already brainstormed, but I'd love to hear some thoughts about what we can pull off in a matchmade game. Blue Effects: The Wordpress blog Check here for the latest albums!
Gamertag: HALOSTAR317 MM, Customs, Staged, All: All Time Zone: GMT -5 Day: Both Comments (if any): I have nothing but time here so i will probably be staying.
nvm blue, now i have the mythic maps, so maybe from now on you sould ask people if they have the mythic maps or not.
this looks like a cool idea, i too am tired of random effect screenshots. unfortunately i dont know if i'll be able to make it.
lawful there is one sat. and sunday... you can go to either one... I think we will have the most people on sat tho... i hope you can make it.