MLG Block Fort Created by DoubIe Vision MLG; 4v4; symmetrical Base:.Foundry Supported Gametypes: MLG TS and CTF Description: For those of you who have played Mario Kart 64, this may look familiar to you. This is a remake of Block fort, but I totally revamped it due to foundry's shape and geometry, plus i wanted to add more cover. I was inspired to make this because I have seen many remakes, but i haven't seen a good remake of Block fort, so i decided to make my own. Anyway, it is my 3rd map I've made and 1st one posted on forgehub. It seems a little late to post, considering sandbox is out and it is 10x better, but i wanted to post this anyway and see what people think. The map is symmetrical, supports MLG TS and CTF. I haven't tried CTF yet, but I added flag markers so it's still supported. A rocket launcher(0 spare clips; 180 sec) is placed in the middle, there is a sniper(1 spare clip; 150 sec) placed at the middle of each of the 2 high bridges, Carbines (2 clips; 90 sec) are placed on the two little side structures dividing the bases, and BR's (2 clips 30 sec) are placed on the "walls" in front of the bases and on the signs on top of each base, and at the dumpsters below the snipers. As for nades, I place 2 plasmas on top of each base (if thats not too overpowered), and i have 2 frags next to the carbine spawn. I'm not sure how well i did on the respawn points, but i think i did fine. I dont play this map often, because my friends hate foundry maps, but of the times ive played, it provides decent gameplay. I haven't decided if i want to post my other maps or not, i just want to see how much people like this one. and hopefully i did everything right, this is a first for me. but it should be good. Forging 101: [ YES ] __Floating Objects [ YES ] __Instant Respawn [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ ___ ] __Timed Map Events [ ___ ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ ___ ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water [ YES ] __Used Symmetry Option [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects [ ___ ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ ___ ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch
wow, looks great. I noticed you have a few flickering lines in photo 2 but other than that, awesome! I really like the style, looks like fun BR or Sniper map to me. The bases look really fun too. Kinda hang em high style bases. And it definitely reminds me of mario kart!
yea there are a few flickering places, especially at one of the "double wall" bridges. Its made by 2 double walls merged almost in the same spot, just to fit the 2 boxes well. I'm not sure what to do about them.