OK, so i am looking to make an aesthetic ship map on avalanche and was wondering, what appeals to the public, what do you guys like to see. this can range from forge glitches, to detail structures, to switches, whatever you want to say, and i will try to incorporate as many as possible. Furthermore I plan on making this a UNSC ship so keep that in mind what coming up with suggestions.
Originality Try to think of something that nobody else would think of. Dont create another robob, like we really need another on of those. Try thinking of something really cool and neat and work hard on it. try to make it look like what you want it to look like to the best of your ability
Switches are amazing. Definitely a must, I always look for switch maps first. Then comes competley detailed structures.
color cordinate any large structure, it takes time, but definatly is worth it. I would go with green for UNSC, and Blue for Covenant. Make it as real as possible, don't half-ass anything
Space. I'm tired of seeing Ships on Avalanche with one explorable room in it. That's not a ship! it's a room with boxes lazily duct-taped to the side of it!!! Oh, and playability is nice too...It's one think to make a pretty box...it's another to make a pretty box that has a purpose.
Ok So my plans so far are the fallowing 1. Make a UNSC ship 2. color code all boxes BLUE(looks closest to gray/matches other object) 3. Create a large hanger with an operable door 4. Have a whathog drop switch 5 Create a fair sized bridge and several other explorable areas on the ship Anything else i should add?
Make the ship green. Every other map like this is blue....uggg. green looks good and isn't bad with gray.
Ok so i now have most of my ideas for the ship, but I'm having trouble with the overall design and was wondering if anyone had an avalanche sketch up? if so could you please put a link in this thread, and also feel free to add new sugjestions too.
Yes,clear merging,camo or power ups,teleporter writing is my favorite.And a very nice choice of objects.That is what I would love in an asethic map.
Better yet if you have the room use Walls thin ways interlocked so it barely sticks out to write UNSC...or use the shiny yellow shield doors And about your sketch up problem..just use Foundries objects but float them in the air..they are fairly similar and should give you enough idea and planning to make it work.
What do I like to see in an aesthetic map? Naked chicks I like things looking authentic, writing using teleporter's is awesome, because I look at it and think "crap that must have taken them ages to do" I mean just look at the 09 griffball arena, that is almost a piece of art INSIDE the map, not to mention the map itself. Can't wait for some of the utterly immense Aesthetic pieces coming from Sandbox. Spaceship. Check. Dinosaur. Check. Stonehenge. Check. Death Star? They are probably building it as we speak.