Yeah... I just cant get this damn achievement!! Ive tyed for like 2 months (prob more) now. Any advice?
Try not to double post, just play a lot of Lone Wolves you can get Swords quite a bit, its pretty easy.
First of all, no double posting unless you are gonna reply to someone. Okay, I don't really believe that you need help for this. It's just perfect need to have a swords match and hope that three people are in your sight or something. Here's a tip though, I encourage you to use the sword melee move instead of lunging because it is faster and kills the guy before he kills you. That's about it, I doubt that some other person would post a suggestion that is different from this. Please :lock: if user is satisfied.
I agree with RaBBiiTT The best way is to time it just right. I got my achievement when two people were fighting so I killed them both and got another one running to the hill. Just remember that you should melee (B) and not lunge (RT)
What I did was follow a guy at out of reach range until he came upon another guy. Then I killed him with the melee and just kept mashing it down and managed to kill the other guy. Then I pretty much swung around randomly hoping to find a third, and I was lucky enough to get em. Just play enough Lone Wolves and get your melee sword timing right and you should get it in no time.
Insane54's got it. Just hope for a sword match and keep bashing B I just got mine in a swords match on guardian, I was sitting in the middle ring. guys would jump, lunge and I'd just melee twice at them. when I got it though it was one guy came from behind me, then two guys in front. I turned around killed the guy behind me then swung around and killed the first guy in the line. the second was lunging for the first so I just meleed him too
You should also try using the Bumper Jumper button layout. If you use it, you don't have to move your fingers when you want to jump, throw a grenade or melee because they are all on the bumpers and triggers. If you get used to it you'll have the acheivement in no time. And I also recommend that you put your sensitivity up high, around 7, but put it back down when your not playing swords because it messes up your aim.
Good point. I use Bumper Jumper as well, and it helps alot, but I'm not sure about the sensitivity thing. During a sword battle, sometimes the other players seem to move around all over and if you dont have control they can probably win the fight. If you can control the higher sensitivity, yeah, that helps alot....I can't .
This is like the second achievement I got online (the first being Up Close & Personal). It's mainly luck.
I actually earned mine during the haloween double exp weekend. I got both the Steppin' Razor and Overkill, and I think another one all in the same moment. But definitely use the melee. You might get away with it on the first kill and be able to melee the rest of the time, but its a fairly big risk. Good luck!
dun wry its gun b k! But yeah this was a ***** to get, you could try the language glitch to get it but if u want it legit then good luck good siR!