I looked at the first pic, and I was like this isn't on ghost town. I kept scrolling and to my surprise it was. So good job on making ghost town feel like another map. I definite DL for me.
nice map, it looks just like the ghost town map i made, but a lot better. all i have to say is to improve the spawn points, they look... not so great. 4/5
I tried to make it something like a new map by giving it a different feel that's why there's a lot of geo-merging and new things that look different. the spawn points are fine. They may not look great but work well. I'd like to see your ghost town map.
uber kewl i went from looking at one amazingly well done Ghost Town map to another amazing map. again, i love how beautifully you have geomerged the orbjects with the sceanery i also really like the ghost spawn and the tunnel behind it. asthetically this map looks very nice as well. i am totally downloading this. 5/5
GReat geo-merging, makes it look alot better and gives it a neat finish. The one part i dont like is the defenders base, it doesnt look as good as the rest of the map. Overall good job on this