i heard that it was coming out in two years. also i saw a preview of it on youtube, which was really cool.
The "preview" you most likely saw was just the shorts that Neil Blomkamp made for the launch of Halo 3. If you go here: http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/Halo_(film) That'll give you the current scoop on the status of the movie. I think.
Not sure what it will be based on, but I know at least part of it is being done in New Zealand and I have a "step-relative" that is helping with the graphic effects. Much beyond that I wouldn't be allowed to tell if I knew But it is in progress, weather or not wikipedia knows about it.
they're making a movie??? :0000000 lol, i know they're making a movie, i just didn't know they had re-started it...
If they restarted it, doesn't this mean Halo 3 and maybe 4 (if there is one) would be old when the movie comes out. I'll probably be old too...
if they make it they should film it like cloverfield :3 and film like some people on earth that have a camcorder recording the covenant invadin earth
that would be really bad, becuase you would never get to see the chief, and i felt sick when i saw cloverfield, so.
i felt sick when i saw cloverfield too but it was such a good rollercoaster ride it was the most interactive movie ive ever experienced so exciting plus they are making a sequel so im happy :]
Well, I'll probably go see it, and besides, since Halo 3 made record-breaking amounts of money in its first 24 hours of release to the public, it'll make money for sure, and Hollywood looks like it needs it, since most movies suck these days...:squirrel_sad:
unfortunatly ill have to say that it will probably be relativly enjoyable to watch, but not great. All films made from games so far are alwful like Lara Crofts and Doom and are both missing that magic from the games. Its gonna take alot of work to make Halo the film not seem like the game but to also follow the storyline correctly.. think that makes sense- you know what im gettin at
If they filmed it half in 3rd person, following the chiefs progress, and 1st person, doin' the same thing.
Most big budget films that need an unrecognisable location are done at New Zeland. Lord of the rings trilogy was.. New Zeland offers alot of different climates, aswell as alot of barron land. The film has been delayed almost indefinately. I doubt you will see it coming for a long time. From the lack of progress they have made, its easier to say they never started making the film.
It is in progress. If we had been in NZ a few months ago I might have even gotten an "extras" part. It hasn't had much visible progress, but it is at least being worked on. Timothy Sassone