
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Speed-e-cake, Mar 11, 2009.

  1. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Runner-up for the Conquest Forge-off.
    Created by Speed e cake

    Supported Gametypes:
    Territories (Conquest, recommended)
    Capture the flag (One flag, only)
    Assault (One bomb and Neutral Bomb only, One bomb recommended)
    Infection (Save One Bullet, recommended)

    Map Description
    Plunder is a Conquest map that's fully symmetric. You spawn in a narrow corridor, then move to a more open area, and finally another close quarters area that features a wire spool propelled by a man cannon that is suppose to represent a train. The "train" prevents camping in the middle territory and makes you want to advance as quickly as possible. The middle, more open area is in the shape of a U, it has open single boxes for cover, stairs to access the "train station" area, and more towards the initial spawn there is a double box that holds the sniper. This set up's height gives you an advantage over others when pushing forward, making spawn killing difficult and leaving the train station to enemy territories easier. I recommend 8 to 12 for Conquest.

    Plunder was only a Conquest map when first started, but later became an asymmetric map for one-sided gametypes using asymmetric features. With One flag and bomb, defenders spawn inside the train station and defend their flag/bomb plant zone without the worry of the spool train, because it's removed and the base is expanded. During one-sided matches, more entrances to the base are made with the removal of the wall that your back would be facing in a symmetric gametype,and the fence walls dividing the map in two are gone. This set up plays a lot like Relic from Halo 2, very difficult to get the flag out of the base, let alone get to the flag, but once out it's near impossible to retrieve it. I recommend 2 to 6 players for one sided gametypes.

    Plunder's weapon set is like this:


    x4 Spikers
    x4 Plasma Rifles
    x2 Carbines
    x4 Battle Rifles
    x2 Sniper Rifles
    x2 Needlers
    x4 Frag Grenades
    x4 Spike Grenades


    x4 Battle Rifles
    x4 Carbines
    x2 Plasma Rifles
    x1 Sniper Rifle
    x1 Spartan Laser
    x2 SMGs
    x2 Needlers
    x6 Plasma Grenades
    x6 Frag Grenades
    x2 Brute Shots


    Symmetric Screenshots

    An overview of red team symmetric spawn and middle without the roof.

    Symmetric spawn up close.

    Walking out of the symmetric spawn.

    Territory one and turn to territory 2 / open area.

    Overview of territory 2 / open area

    Front view of the train station.

    Territory 3 and front lobby of the train station.

    BR and turn to territory 4.

    Territory 4.

    View of train station from blue team.

    One man push.

    Fight for territory 4.

    I see where this is going.

    Obligatory spool...


    Post will continue due to image restriction!
  2. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Post continued due to image restriction!

    Asymmetric Screenshots

    Capture zone.

    Open side tunnel.

    Flag spawn.

    Height advantage.


    Hold off.

    Fence walls can be used well for viewing and shooting.


    Thank you to...
    Vorpal Saint for all your advice and thoughts thrown my way.
    Deathtoll77 for testing, advice and letting me get one last game of play testing before I submitted it to the Forge-off.
    XxOblivion77 for the video.
    And everyone else who tested!

    Download Plunder
    Download Conquest V3
  3. JarHead

    JarHead Ancient
    Senior Member

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    NIce map but i think you would be able to get out of the map from picture 1 with the frag grenades. nice map though 4/5
    edit:sorry but the texts are kind of small. though very nice map
  4. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
    Senior Member

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    In picture one I state that the roof was removed, so a grenade jump out from there is impossible. Please read the post and don't just judge from the pictures.
  5. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
    Senior Member

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    well definitely original with the wire spool shooter. I've never seen it in a conquest map before. T don't like how the hallway is so small though, the sniper works well but you should of done something like agamers map if you've seen it where he just simply added a window panel. It changed the gameplay a lot. You did a good job though. I also like the giant window. Great job 5/5
  6. BatteryIncluded

    BatteryIncluded Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ah, so it's up. good times on this map, you kept beasting us, so my teammate left, haha. who's the sexy beast in the katana and security? *hint hint*

    okay, so the map, very clean. and it plays well, i might need to disect it to see how you go the rolling wire spool to work ;)

    nice posting, 22 pictures, wow.

    oh, and "JarHead"

    great map though, good for smaller parties, and a lot of fun, keep at it ;D

  7. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The Snipers only have one spare clip, so they don't last long and they spawn every 60 seconds. I wanted to keep the map more traditional like the Cellars, where the middle is open. The reason why it works well in Agamer's map is because without it, players will most likely die before reaching the middle territory. Also, it gets really crowded in that area so less objects to help with that, the better.

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