Sandbox Foundation Reloaded

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by stickynizzle, Mar 11, 2009.

  1. stickynizzle

    stickynizzle Ancient
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    Ok, i made this map within the first couple of days that Halo wars came out, since i only just learnt how to post on here its taken a while to get it up but here goes.

    i noticed a few people have made Foundation Remakes recently but dont let this put you off trying my remake, im sure you wont be Disapointed.


    This Picture Shows an ariel view slightly to the side,
    each room Has a roman Numeral above it to help players identify were an enemy may be to other players.
    i have a banshee and a hornet Floating above the map for asthetics and 2 killballs outside of the map incase somone gets out by accident.
    this map unlike its predisessor has a sniper rifle spawn iether side of the map and plenty of long lines of sight to use them.


    Another Ariel View .
    from here you can see that keeping true to the original
    map, the ghost and worthog arestill here and with lots of room to drive around.


    Ok this picture shows that the Center structure is here and fully functional and provides good cover, players can also lob granades into it via the slits at the top of the walls. just like in the original
    the sword spawns here, a block enables players
    access to the top of the structure where an overshield
    can be found. out of the top left corner you can
    see the platforms that hold the turrets are here too, once again like the original you can drop down the middle to get to the Rocket launcher below.
    there is a man cannon iether side to allow fast access back to the top level.


    This picture shows an entrance to one of the 4 bases with the barriers that are found in all 4 corners of the map. i have added baricades and shield doors within the rooms to add some spice to it, take note := i have
    had to sacrifice the size of these rooms to be more accurate astheticly.


    Finally this picture shows one of the 2 stair cases on the map that allow the player easy access to the top level.
    just like the original map there is power cores next to both stairs, however unlike the halo 2 version this is where the sniper rifle spawns will be found.
    shotguns are found between the stairs, magnums up top, needlers next to the colums and BR's in the raised platforms.

    this is the first time i have tried to put images from photobucket onto a forum so i apologies if you cant see the images.

    p.p.s my spelling is terible >.>

    Here is where you can Download my map

    Halo 3 File Details

    Please Leav comments and taggs, Thank you
  2. Domo kun FTW

    Domo kun FTW Ancient
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    Wow, a lot better than the first remake I saw for sandbox!
    One thing, is it really that necessary for the flying vehicles? Or do you just want to tease everyone :l
    4.8/5 DL
    #2 Domo kun FTW, Mar 11, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2009
  3. stickynizzle

    stickynizzle Ancient
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    Hey Thanks for the 4.5 :p The banshee and Hornet are only there to look Good
    i m unable to get them down and fly them in game so i just hope nobody else can lol.
    just asthetics
  4. Pel

    Pel Ancient
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    That look pretty sweet. And accurate. Nice forging, and keep it up! I hope to see some more stuff from you in the future! 5/5
  5. stickynizzle

    stickynizzle Ancient
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    Thank you very much, hoping to forge more maps depending on the feedback i get.
    lol i have to admit, this map was made based on a picture i had of the halo 2 version the picture was squashed so i ended up making a rectanguler map as apose to the
    square shape that the original map was. i only realised this once i finished. >.>
  6. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    very true to the original, and i love the roman numerals. very original. it seems you took an old map and added a little spice to it. the only thing i might consider editing are:

    1. take out the shield doors and such in the rooms you said you placed. try beng more true to it by placing barrels, tiny blocks, etc.

    2. try making the rooms a little bigger. from what i can see they are not very large and could use a little extra space.

  7. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    cool remake, but i would suggest that you make the walls higher.

    I can simply grenade jump over the wall and escape foundation....

    If the walls were taller, it would be a 5/5 !
  8. Minime637

    Minime637 Ancient
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    I totally agree i saw the first remake and it was not that great. congrats dude i am going to download it for sure.
  9. l33tmeerkatslol

    l33tmeerkatslol Ancient
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    Way better than the last remake I just saw. I like the roman numerals in the rooms. I like the banshee idea. And if someone did get them down, they would fall into the kill balls, correct? I've never been a halo 1/2 fan, but I might show this to my friend .

  10. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    oh i forgot, try making the walls higher, and replace the mancannons with grav lifts. grav lifts dont go as high up and you would still get up there. mancannons you could easily get out with some maneuvering. and if you get out of the map, im guessing you would have notheing to do but to kill yourself?
  11. stickynizzle

    stickynizzle Ancient
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    Thank you evryone for the Feedback !!! :p
    Really Glad to hear some positive Feedback.
    the problem i have with the walls is the Fact that my current Budget is $0 .
    My only way to combat this is to suggest playing slayer matches where there would be nothing to be gained by leaving the map and the player would have to use the killballs to get back in.

    as for the Mancannons, when i replace them with grav lifts, the grav lift breaks with one use completly killing that way of getting onto the higher level, if anyone can suggest how this can be fixed i would apriciate it. :p

    Thanks to evryone who has commented so far !!! keep em coming !!!
  12. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    how does it break? that doesnt make any sense...

    as for the budget, i dont know how you ended up with $0, it doesnt look like it took that much money unless the stuff is really expensive. try deleting the banshee and hornet and then you should have more. i dont think anyone will be using the ghost or hog, i never did in the original. maybe delete the vehicles except for the hog and you should have enough to patch up the rim and maybe expand the rooms.

    Senior Member

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    What I suggest is delete the unecessaries, like the banshee and hornet, sheild doors ect, put the grav lifts on Instant respawn so they don't dissapear. Then I suggest uploading that map to your fileshare and add it here!

    So far the map looks cool but I can see people A) Breaking the map on purpose
    B) being nade spammed as they jumped sending them out of the map. But still, nice remake, a little off in size but it still has kept that Foundation feel. 4/5
  14. AssassinChao

    AssassinChao Ancient
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    breaks? as in some1 shoots it and destroys it? if thats wat ur talkin about then just put them on instant respawn (aim at the object, press x, press x again, and set the run-time minimum to the highest number possible... just incase u dont no :D)

    anyway this map looks pretty close to wat i can remember to the original foundation... ill dl when the maps come on the marketplace cuz im like the only one on my friends list w/ the new maps ._. ... o well good map :)
  15. M1:K3

    M1:K3 Ancient
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    This is a Nasty-Sick map :p
    i remember this map from H2, i would always P0WN lol
    you did a GREAT job here lml_ _lml
  16. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
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    it looks pretty good, although its way to easy to escape from, and the bases are a little too small. otherwise i really like the map, it seems like you got the right scale compared to the halo 2 version
  17. TeapotKing

    TeapotKing Ancient
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    awesome map, i loved foundation. but i think the back rooms are too small, and you can get out of the map with a grenade jump or simply by standing on the fusion coils :(
  18. A Hobo Popper

    A Hobo Popper Ancient
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    hahah like the obelisks for numbers creative 4/5
  19. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    Okay, since you've gotten some good feedback, it's time for some constructive criticism.. by me!

    Although, you did a pretty good job with the layout, there are many things wrong with the map:

    - As mentioned before, you can easily escape out of the map. All it takes is a simple grenade jump. Even if you think there is no incentive or reason to breach the map, there is still no reason for it to be there. Bungie doesn't go around making maps that are easily breachable, or at least not meant to be breached.

    - There are large cracks on the upper level between the ground and the walls that are along the outer rim. Cracks like that will only eat your grenades therefore making it frustrating in some instances.

    - The Banshee and Hornet - along with the platforms they sit on - are not necessary seeing as how you still need to add a lot to the map. If you delete all of the unnecessary junk, then you may have enough budget to raise the walls, or to fix other things..

    - The rooms in each corner are way too small compared to the size they were in the original Foundation. That could simply (or not simply according to how good of a Forger you are) be fixed by bringing everything together.. meaning to shrink your map. It did seem a little to wide open out in the middle, so that's why I'm making this suggestion.

    - Use of interlocking can fix many of these problems, and it will also make your map a lot smoother. If you don't know the advanced techniques of interlocking, try looking up one of the tutorials here on Forge Hub.

    - I know the vehicles were a part of Foundation before, but they were only available in certain gametypes. You could probably fix this by creating different versions of the map, or setting each vehicle for either Asymmetrical or Symmetrical gametypes. I can already tell that vehicles will only clutter the map, and they won't serve any really purpose to the gameplay. Of course, that is just my opinion.

    Overall, I see this map still needs a ton of work put into it, so I hope you create a v.2.

    P.S. Just to clarify, I didn't make this post to be mean, I'm just trying to be helpful. If you take my post the wrong way, then my bad.
  20. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    yea the walls need to be higher, there is no getting out by accident, in the middle of a game your always going to have someone who will jump. The map looks ok but here's some things you should do
    1. the roman numeral IV looks stupid, just do IIII please
    2. rooms need to be bigger
    3. Again walls higher
    4. the banshee and hornet really don't look that great, I would just take them out.
    5. The entrances to the bunker are to wide, and the bunker is to high, just do a little re-placing and editing.
    The map is ok but could use some fixing, I look forward to a v2. Also a thought, you probably have enough resources to build a roof, I would do it. I really agree with this post below, its just constructive criticism

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