This word has many different meanings. I believe it to be a term used by geeks to describe a younger, less experienced player, but I've notticed that many people use it as though they are describing something else. What's your definition?
New to a game. New = Newbie = Noobie = Noob. It's an insult saying, "you're so terrible you must have just bought this game". That's how the pros do it.
Pfft. I'm a pro then. Oh and a noob doesn't have to be new to a game or a website, they just have to act like a new member that doesn't know the rules. Or just generally suck.
Tex is right . . . somewhat. A noob is basically someone who does the following: 1. Doesn't Call out 2. Thinks he is the superior player. 3. Always wants the power weapons 4. Tries to stick you when he can just get an easy kill 5. Talks a lot of trash, and then says he doesn't care about the game. 6. And the list can go on for an Infamy... Basically, a noob is just overall bad.
I primarily use noob as a derogatory term.....For me, someone who's new to the game is a newbie....someone who's just a complete toolbox/horrible at a game and won't admit it is a noob. Yes, I'm aware that's the way Ctrl-Alt-Del put it.
Newb/Newbie - New player, not an insult, they just need to improve because their new. N00B - Basicly an asswhole, they hog power weapons, and just get the nooby kills.
I hate when people say certain things are "n00b weapons". Because if the weapons get kills easy, then your a dumbass for not using them. my definition of n00b would be an inexperienced or dumb gamer. someone who makes elementary mistakes in a game.
I mostly call someone a noob who: 1. Just acts stupid. People who try to hide around the corner and that stuff. People who have absolutely no tactic. People who run into the enemy team, have 15 kills, but 35 deaths, ruining the match/make you rank down. 2. People who think they know something better than you, but in fact they are totally wrong. (Like this one guy about geomerging: This is modded [...], I will report you for manipulation!!! Then I wanted to show him how it works, and he was like "No, I dont want to be banned!!!!!!" 3. People who say you suck at Halo and then lose a 1 on 1 against you. I do not call people noobs who just bought the game. They are just beginners.
Yeah I'm with the general consensus.N00b is an inexperienced player who acts like a tool and in my opinion make playing online games worthwhile.Who doesnt like occasionally just destroying another team.Lets be honest here.And in the slightest bit who doesnt like either laughing at the poor kid's attempts or in other cases helping them escape n00bdom? I do however dislike n00b as an insult becuase I feel like an idiot using it. I r insult you becuase you suck in a virtual plane of existence.Ahah!You have been zinged good sir!Take that!What-ho! I mean if I get pissed at someone online I'll call them an idiotic ****tard and other unpalateable nouns,but n00b I find is just find a fun insult to use with my friends. Mind you I also hate the term pro...and by extension what "proffesional" and "amateur" has come to mean on the internet. hey're not descriptions of how good or bad something is,they're descriptions of how they came about. Digital phear is amateur and as much as it pains me to say this,all real life MLG contestants are "pro's".They make money doing what they're doing. Theres terrible stuff thats proffesional and some absolute gems that are entirely amateur.
When i say Noob when someone does something stupid or bad as if he/she was a new member. They don't have to be young or experienced as such.
Newbie- Someone new to the game Noob- Shitty players who use the flamethrower in Cod, talk ****, won't admit their bad, and are overall just bad people. Usually between 10-14 years of age.
Spoiler Count (count per game). Melee Somebody smashed somebody! Ranked 1,410 (1.956) Social 997 (1.565) Total 2,407 (1.772) 19.00% 14.46% 1,410 (1.956) 997 (1.565) Battle Rifle - BR55HB SR The UNSC’s accurate semi-automatic medium range rifle, fires three rounds per squeeze of the trigger. Ranked 1,117 (1.549) Social 563 (0.884) Total 1,680 (1.237) 15.05% 8.16% 1,117 (1.549) 563 (0.884) Assault Rifle - MA5C ICWS Gas operated, fully-automatic projectile rifle capable of sustained continuous fire. Accurate if used in short, well aimed bursts and otherwise ferociously powerful at close range. Ranked 974 (1.351) Social 597 (0.937) Total 1,571 (1.157) 13.13% 8.66% 974 (1.351) 597 (0.937) Plasma Grenade - (Type-1 AP-G) Highly explosive Covenant grenade with a dangerous adherence property. Ranked 406 (0.563) Social 261 (0.410) Total 667 (0.491) 5.47% 3.78% 406 (0.563) 261 (0.410) Energy Sword - (Type-1 EW/S) Favored by Elites, this energy weapon is more dangerous than its ceremonial nature implies. Ranked 400 (0.555) Social 765 (1.201) Total 1,165 (0.858) 5.39% 11.09% 400 (0.555) 765 (1.201) Shotgun - M90A CAWS The UNSC’s resident close-quarters assault weapon. Ranked 392 (0.544) Social 354 (0.556) Total 746 (0.549) 5.28% 5.13% 392 (0.544) 354 (0.556) Ghost - (Type-32 RAV) Armed with twin rapid fire plasma cannons, this is a typical Covenant ground assault and recon vehicle. Ranked 344 (0.477) Social 190 (0.298) Total 534 (0.393) 4.64% 2.76% 344 (0.477) 190 (0.298) Spartan Laser - WAV M6 GGNR A directed energy weapon. Its battery conservation scheme requires user to “paint” its target during a brief charge lag. A zoomed scope will assist in aiming. It’s slow, but one of the most powerful portable armaments in the UNSC arsenal. Ranked 310 (0.430) Social 139 (0.218) Total 449 (0.331) 4.18% 2.02% 310 (0.430) 139 (0.218) Warthog - M41 LAAG The M41 light anti-aircraft gun is an externally powered, three-barreled, rotary-fire machine gun. Though inaccurate at long ranges, it has excellent penetration characteristics and a high rate of fire. Ranked 299 (0.415) Social 175 (0.275) Total 474 (0.349) 4.03% 2.54% 299 (0.415) 175 (0.275) Guardians Killed, once again, by the guardians. Ranked 230 (0.319) Social 356 (0.559) Total 586 (0.432) 3.10% 5.16% 230 (0.319) 356 (0.559) Frag Grenade - M9 HE-DP Standard issue UNSC fragmentation grenade. Ranked 164 (0.227) Social 147 (0.231) Total 311 (0.229) 2.21% 2.13% 164 (0.227) 147 (0.231) Chopper - (Type-25 RAV) Primarily Brute crewed reconnaissance and fast attack vehicle. Ranked 162 (0.225) Social 52 (0.082) Total 214 (0.158) 2.18% 0.75% 162 (0.225) 52 (0.082) Rocket Launcher - M41 MAV/AW The accurate, destructive heavy ordnance weapon of the UNSC arsenal. Ranked 151 (0.209) Social 264 (0.414) Total 415 (0.306) 2.04% 3.83% 151 (0.209) 264 (0.414) Sniper Rifle - SRS 99D AM The primary sniper rifle system used by UNSC forces. Ranked 150 (0.208) Social 270 (0.424) Total 420 (0.309) 2.02% 3.92% 150 (0.208) 270 (0.424) Banshee - (Type-26 GSA) Primary ground support aircraft of the Covenant forces. Ranked 148 (0.205) Social 111 (0.174) Total 259 (0.191) 1.99% 1.61% 148 (0.205) 111 (0.174) Gravity Hammer - (Type-2 EW/H) Favored by Brutes, this weapon is as much a symbol of leadership as it is a weapon. Ranked 109 (0.151) Social 833 (1.308) Total 942 (0.694) 1.47% 12.08% 109 (0.151) 833 (1.308) Brute Shot - (Type-25 GL) Fires explosive projectiles and is furnished with an elaborate and dangerous bayonet. Ranked 76 (0.105) Social 43 (0.068) Total 119 (0.088) 1.02% 0.62% 76 (0.105) 43 (0.068) Heavy Machine Gun - AIE-486H A Spartan is easily strong enough to remove, or more accurately, rip a turret-mounted machine gun from its tripod base. Although doing so will detach it from its main ammo feed, a Spartan can use whatever’s left attached to the gun to devastating effect. It’s heavy even for a Spartan, and slow to spin up to full firing rate. Ranked 70 (0.097) Social 127 (0.199) Total 197 (0.145) 0.94% 1.84% 70 (0.097) 127 (0.199) Spike Grenade - (Type-2 AP-FG) A new grenade for the Spartan arsenal is the requisitioned Brute Spike grenade, a primitive and deadly explosive device that impales any target and holds tight until it explodes in a shredding hail of razor sharp metal. Ranked 65 (0.090) Social 48 (0.075) Total 113 (0.083) 0.88% 0.70% 65 (0.090) 48 (0.075) Spiker - (Type-25 Carbine) Holding 48 spikes per magazine, this vicious and dangerous rifle is favored by Brutes and based on their native, pre-Covenant technology. Ranked 64 (0.089) Social 36 (0.057) Total 100 (0.074) 0.86% 0.52% 64 (0.089) 36 (0.057) Mauler - (Type-52 Pistol) Holds 5 shells per magazine, this massive handgun is favored by Brutes and is based on their native, pre-Covenant technology. Ranked 62 (0.086) Social 32 (0.050) Total 94 (0.069) 0.84% 0.46% 62 (0.086) 32 (0.050) Needler - (Type-33 GML) Razor sharp crystalline projectiles with a combined explosive property, are fired from this elaborate Covenant weapon. Ranked 56 (0.078) Social 76 (0.119) Total 132 (0.097) 0.75% 1.10% 56 (0.078) 76 (0.119) Missile Pod - LAU-65D Although technically designed for vehicle or stationary use, a Spartan can easily lift and use this rapid firing homing missile launcher. Ranked 50 (0.069) Social 22 (0.035) Total 72 (0.053) 0.67% 0.32% 50 (0.069) 22 (0.035) Scorpion - M808B MBT The M808B Main Battle Tank is the primary armored fighting vehicle in UNSC service. Ranked 26 (0.036) Social 13 (0.020) Total 39 (0.029) 0.35% 0.19% 26 (0.036) 13 (0.020) Sub Machine Gun - M7/Caseless Submachine guns, while not accurate over long distances, are particularly effective at close quarters. Ranked 25 (0.035) Social 24 (0.038) Total 49 (0.036) 0.34% 0.35% 25 (0.035) 24 (0.038) Warthog - Driver The ubiquitous Warthog - three thousand kilos of fuel-injected ballistic polycarbonate, titanium, and carbon nanotube. Ranked 20 (0.028) Social 31 (0.049) Total 51 (0.038) 0.27% 0.45% 20 (0.028) 31 (0.049) Explosion WUH-BLAM! Ranked 20 (0.028) Social 10 (0.016) Total 30 (0.022) 0.27% 0.15% 20 (0.028) 10 (0.016) Ball - Cranium. Standard issue information storage and sensory group housing. Ranked 19 (0.026) Social 35 (0.055) Total 54 (0.040) 0.26% 0.51% 19 (0.026) 35 (0.055) FlameThrower - M7057 DP The M7057 is a standard chemical flamethrower, which projects and ignites a stream of volatile, semi-liquid fuel. Ranked 19 (0.026) Social 6 (0.009) Total 25 (0.018) 0.26% 0.09% 19 (0.026) 6 (0.009) Flag It's right next to the headlight fluid. Ranked 18 (0.025) Social 16 (0.025) Total 34 (0.025) 0.24% 0.23% 18 (0.025) 16 (0.025) Carbine - (Type-51 Carbine) An unusual Covenant projectile weapon, firing shielded radioactive rounds. Ranked 13 (0.018) Social 17 (0.027) Total 30 (0.022) 0.18% 0.25% 13 (0.018) 17 (0.027) Magnum - M6G Pistol A recoil-operated, semi-automatic handgun. Accurate and utilitarian in design, it is the ideal sidearm for a wide variety of troops. Ranked 8 (0.011) Social 72 (0.113) Total 80 (0.059) 0.11% 1.04% 8 (0.011) 72 (0.113) Tripmine - TR/9 AP Mine A simple proximity mine that reacts to pressure or movement. Ranked 7 (0.010) Social 2 (0.003) Total 9 (0.007) 0.09% 0.03% 7 (0.010) 2 (0.003) Bomb - No. 14 Anti-tank Mine Thus I refute thee. Ranked 6 (0.008) Social 29 (0.046) Total 35 (0.026) 0.08% 0.42% 6 (0.008) 29 (0.046) Beam Rifle - (Type-50 SR) A hand carried Covenant particle beam weapon, with an adjustable 5x / 10x scope. Ranked 6 (0.008) Social 21 (0.033) Total 27 (0.020) 0.08% 0.30% 6 (0.008) 21 (0.033) Elephant - M41 LAAG The M41 light anti-aircraft gun is an externally powered, three-barreled, rotary-fire machine gun. Though inaccurate at long ranges, it has excellent penetration characteristics and a high rate of fire. Ranked 5 (0.007) Social 8 (0.013) Total 13 (0.010) 0.07% 0.12% 5 (0.007) 8 (0.013) Mongoose - M274 ULATV This is purely a transport vehicle, and while fast and maneuverable, it possesses no defensive or offensive capabilities whatsoever. Ranked 4 (0.006) Social 11 (0.017) Total 15 (0.011) 0.05% 0.16% 4 (0.006) 11 (0.017) Wraith - Driver The Wraith assault gun carriage is the primary armored fighting vehicle used by the Covenant. It is bulbous and thickly armored, but surprisingly maneuverable. Ranked 3 (0.004) Social 55 (0.086) Total 58 (0.043) 0.04% 0.80% 3 (0.004) 55 (0.086) Scorpion - M247T MMG The M247T 7.62mm medium machine gun Ranked 3 (0.004) Social 6 (0.009) Total 9 (0.007) 0.04% 0.09% 3 (0.004) 6 (0.009) Hornet - AV-14 Attack VTOL The AV-14s provide close-in fire support and point target attacks against enemy armor. Ranked 2 (0.003) Social 36 (0.057) Total 38 (0.028) 0.03% 0.52% 2 (0.003) 36 (0.057) Wraith - Gunner All post-2549 model Wraiths have an extended crew area with a Type-52 DESW in a ring mount. Ranked 2 (0.003) Social 16 (0.025) Total 18 (0.013) 0.03% 0.23% 2 (0.003) 16 (0.025) Plasma Rifle - (Type-25 DER) A common, light plasma weapon favored by Covenant forces. Ranked 2 (0.003) Social 8 (0.013) Total 10 (0.007) 0.03% 0.12% 2 (0.003) 8 (0.013) Prowler - (Type-52 ISV) Primarily used in an infantry support role, the Prowler is essentially an armed hover sled. Ranked 2 (0.003) Social 1 (0.002) Total 3 (0.002) 0.03% 0.01% 2 (0.003) 1 (0.002) Warthog - M68 ALIM The gauss cannon is an excellent anti-vehicle weapon but it is not very effective against massed infantry. Ranked 1 (0.001) Social 20 (0.031) Total 21 (0.015) 0.01% 0.29% 1 (0.001) 20 (0.031) Plasma Pistol - (Type-25 DEP) Fires directed energy bolts with a shield-depleting Overcharge function. Ranked 0 (0.000) Social 1 (0.002) Total 1 (0.001) 0.01% 0 (0.000) 1 (0.002) your stats are fairly noobish, melee = 1, br 2 (non noob) 4 sword 5 shotgun 13. sniper (why so low!!!!!) 12. rocket ... your are far more of a social player, and you are not a noob, but u rnt a pro... your are a proob what am i my stats other account: my other stats thanks am i noob or pro or proob?
They way I heard it explained is that there is a clear distinction between a n00b and newb. A newb is just short for newbie and the player can't help it. We were all one of these. A n00b is a bad player who is an asshole. This is the person who betrays you for the Sniper then gets killed seconds later.
Someone who complains because their teammate just finished their kill. Someone who is new to a game and lacks skill. Someone who kills you on purpoe and take the power weapon that you got. Someone who over-excessively trash talks and use the MLG term "Bad" or even "Bad Kid" Someone who doesn't play objective when it is objective. Someone who doesn't say "Good Game" after a game. Someone who gloats about having a fifty or make fifties knowing that it's extemely easy to get a fifty on a second account. Someone who quites the game very earlier and doesn't stay and fight. Someone who tea-bags anyone, esecially the players who have obtained Recon. Someone who yells or screams whilst cursing at an excessive rate, specifically when they died/loss. Someone who doesn't compliment their team and teammates. Someone who message Bungie for Recon/Mythic Map Pack Codes/Friend Requests. Someone who compares themself to an MLG pro or consider themself to have the same equivalency or even more skill than MLG pros. Someone who inserts "MLG" in front of their gamertag. Someone who spams. Someone who rates maps when they've never played it. Someone who judges maps on the way they look (Aesthetics).
"I'm self-important and feel the need to call others empty, but intentionally demeaning names to boost my shitty self confidence and digital prowess in my own little, empty world" Laymans terms: If it's not a joke, you're a very sad person. I personally hate the word and never use it.
Noob: Rude, normally but not neccesarily newer person, that does not know what they are doing or talking about, and has a big ego. Newb: New player that's just inexperianced. No big world sized ego. Does not deserve to be called Noob.