Sandbox Heavybox

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by The1ToFear, Mar 11, 2009.

  1. The1ToFear

    The1ToFear Ancient
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    ~ Heavybox V1 ~

    Heavybox is a heavy version of Sandbox, that has more heavy weapons and heavy vehicles.

    This is the V1 of the map, so please give me constructive criticism.

    Heavybox supports the following gametypes:





    Or just Team Slayer.

    --- INFO ---


    4 : Assault Rifles : 30 Respawn : 2 Clips
    8 : Battle Rifles : 30 Respawn : 2 Clips
    2 : Sniper Rifles : 120 Respawn : 1 Clip
    2 : SMG's : 30 Respawn : 2 Clips
    2 : Needlers : 90 Respawn : 2 Clips
    4 : Magnums : 30 Respawn : 2 Clips
    1 : Spartan Laser : 90 Respawn
    2 : Rocket Launchers : 90 Respawn : 1 Clip
    2 : Carbines : 10 Respawn : 2 Clips
    2 : Brute Shots : 60 Respawn : 2 Clips
    2 : Missile Pods : 180 Respawn


    2 : Regenerators : 30 Respawn
    2 : Bubble Shields : 45 Respawn


    2 : Scorpion : 180 Respawn : Yes : BOTH
    4 : Mongoose : 30 Respawn : Yes : BOTH
    2 : Warthog : 90 Respawn : Yes : BOTH
    2 : Warthog Gauss : 120 Respawn : Yes : BOTH


    Now for some pics!​

    > Both bases have 1 Scorpion, 2 Warthogs and 2 Mongeese.



    > Sniper box comes with 1 Sniper.

    (1 Sniper box on each side)

    More pics:​

    > The middle of the map. In the very middle, there is the Spartan Laser.




    And there is also a little hidden trick that requires you to be in forge. :)

    Please download, rate and comment!

    #1 The1ToFear, Mar 11, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2009
  2. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    It looks like there isn't really enough to be able to withstand a chance of fighting with the tank to be honest; The only real chance is the splaser, which there is only one of, and it's right in the middle, so the tank could easily stop all chances of getting to it.

    It's a good idea, I think you're probably the first to do this on sandbox.. But it needs more weapons.

    That's the criticism i'm putting forward.. Balnce it!
  3. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Hmmm, doesn't look as though you changed the original bases at all, but it's a good concept. I like heavies. But this map may be a bit too small, and the snipers may encourage camping on the dunes.
  4. The1ToFear

    The1ToFear Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yea, this is only V1, so I will make a new version soon enough.

    Thanks for the constructive criticism!
  5. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
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    Well you could think there is two tanks, I think that makes it more balanced, I think it would still work fine, like it is same for every other Heavy Map, but otherwise this looks like a really great map, I will try to get a few people together and try it out.
  6. The1ToFear

    The1ToFear Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks dude.

    Yes, I did put in for balance.
  7. Minime637

    Minime637 Ancient
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    YEAH a heavy nersion of Sandbox
    first off i love ehavy it is one of the best things in halo 3 multiplayer.
    this map look pretty solid i like the sniper box thing however i dont think there are enough weapons to take care of the 2 scorpion tanks
    mabey in V2 of the map

    pluse add some more cover and i think this map could be really awesome.

    overall 4/5
  8. Moshin Joshn

    Moshin Joshn Ancient
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    It appears to not be heavy enough for the tank. I would maybe make it 2 lasers and 1 missile pod because part of the thing i love about heavy maps is that its power weapons for use against people and vehicles because theres so many of them. Missile pod is mainly for use against vehicles except for the occasional luck shot.
  9. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    i think the best thing for a v2 of this would definitely be to add in more cover so the tank doesnt simply dominate everyone. imagine if 1 team got both tanks, they would win no matter what
  10. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    I was about to say WTF this is just sandbox with small changes when I saw this. I then realized you made a heavy version of sandbox. Heavywise, I'm going to have to agree with splaser being way overpowered on this map. Sandbox is suprisingly too small for splasers. Otherwise it looks fine to me. 4/5.
  11. The1ToFear

    The1ToFear Ancient
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    It does have 2 Rockets, 2 Missile Pods, and a Laser.

    So, how can the tank be overpowering?
  12. BunN eeE

    BunN eeE Ancient
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    I like the map. Yet the vehicles seems to be a little overpowered, especially with the 2 Scorpions. I really don't think this map is big enough to withstand such massive forces. I mean the only time you see a Scorpion is on Sandtrap Heavy, and that map is huge.

    I recommend taking out a good portion of the vehicles, maybe leaving a Warhog or two, and sticking to more ground based gameplay. This way it will take more skill: the flag run will be harder to complete without all the heavy vehicles, and spawn trapping will be reduced. But to compencate for the gone machinery, add a better variety of weapons, and equipment, just don't over do it.

    For now I rate the map a 4/5.

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