This is my symmetrical map made in the sky box. Its is good for captures the flag and team slayer. It has a red base and a blue base. I was going for a darker environment and i don't like people trying to get out of my map. This way they'll just die when they get out. This map would work with swat as well. 10 BR's 2 maulers 4 SMGs 2 needlers 1 power drain download at:
This isnt up to forgehubstandards, unfortunatly your pictures dont seem to have works, use the search bar to find treads on how to do this. Better luck next time, the description could be more explained as well, including weapons list and if possible a picture from above so the layout is simple to understand!!! SAFE
Embed your screenshots using BB Code. Example: *No Spaces* Oh, and you may want to read the rules for posting maps. The people here don't take too kindly to improper posts. Just a heads up. EDIT: Now they're too small. Use It's a lot quicker than any previous method.
Pro tip, if you right click on the pics and click View Picture, and the copy paste that URL into you post with the IMG tags around it it'll give us a bigger picture to view. Like this: Ok, now on to your map. Looks like a great Arena styled team base map. Not seen one like it in a while so good job on originality there. Looks very easy to break out of though. From the BR spawn in front of the bases on that tower structure it looks like a simple jump. But it looks like you did a good job of not giving that too much of a tactical advantage other than getting from one base to the other slightly faster. Could even be an intended path.
Ok first of all,this is why I can not rate your map. I can't see the darn pics,Resize em'.But on what I could see this looks atiquite for you.I just noticed something here by hte way.
Ok first of all,this is why I can not rate your map. I can't see the darn pics,Resize em'.But on what I could see this looks atiquite for you.I just noticed something here by hte way.
hmm whats the point of making a map on the skybubble if you are going to make walls on the sides of it? the point of a floating map is so you can fall off, like guardian. this would have worked much better on the ground level or the crypt, so there would be a flat floor. not that its bad. its a good layout, one of the better sandbox maps ive seen from a new member.
..Or maybe he likes how dark it is up there? Or maybe the scenery up there? You shouldn't question someone else's motives if you don't even know what they are.
Im sorry to inform you that this looks absolutely perfect for swat. Anyway, the map looks nice. If u meant for ppl to have the danger of falling off the side then well done! But if not and u actually wanted a higher wall, i would have made the map in the crypt. But it is ur choice. We will just have to enjoy falling off! As I said b4, it looks like a great arena map for 2v2 or 3v3, and swat would be perfect. The ramps towards each end are a perfect tool in making it so only ur head peeks out. 4/5 keep forging!
I do like the map alot it is very uniqe but I see u have 10 Battle Rifles and in my opinion thats pretty much alot so i give it a 3 1/2 /5
This map looks sick. Ive been dowloading sandbox maps, even tho i dont have them yet. Does anyone know when the mythic maps are on the marketplace. please message me.
umm... Not bad but i would put in a power weapon like a sniper or shotgun in the middle (but thats just me). You should also make the walls higher on the outside because they can then get out, unless you want that. Overall 3/5
Who cares if he made it in the skybubble. I think its better in there because he could make his own floors instead of using the regular ground. The map looks really fun, I like how the bases are in the corner instead of the middle of the wall like alot of maps. There is alot of cover since you have those pillars and it looks fun for swat like somebody else said. 5/5
^This Sweeny predicted this a while back. He said people would make maps in the skybubble and just build one wall up and then be done because of the fact that they will fall to death off. But then you are allowed to walk freely on top of their map which is almost as bad as out of it. Also if you made it on any of the other two levels you would have more money and supplies and you could have done more with your map. It is still a decent map, but the execution of the idea is below average
OH NO! People are going to get up on those walls! They're going to be SO dangerous up there, with only a BR and no cover! /sarcasm C'mon guys, really? I think it's perfectly legitimate to build a walled in map in the skybubble so you don't have to make 50 ft walls. Since a huge part of map flow is risk vs. reward, allowing people to climb onto the walls is fine. If someone thinks the height advantage is worth the total exposure and effort to get up there, that's their decision. The design of this map looks very nice. It's simple, but that's often for the best (just look at Orbital). I agree with the assessment that 10 BRs are overkill, though. I'd personally like a plasma rifle or plasma pistol thrown into the mix instead of one of the BRs.
possibly, but i would prefer to have a smooth floor than a pretty sun in the background when i am playing. it was a suggestion, a suggestion to improve gameplay on his map.