-Download The Erratic- Erratic: er·rat·ic : {–adj} - 1. deviating from the usual or proper course in conduct or opinion; eccentric; 2. having no certain or definite course; This map really is not like anything else. This map demands the ability to survive constantly changing conditions and adjust to the extreme differences in the geometry of this map. First up, gametypes. You can play slayer, KOTH, oddball, CTF (one or multi), Assault (one, multi, or neutral), VIP (except escort), and territories. I guess you could play infection, but it most cases it probably won't work very well. As for the map itself, there is an "underground" area which has a roof that is innacessible, so dont try to go up there because there is nothing up there for you. The underground is very confined and dangerous. Grenades' effect seems to be magnified in the tight spaces, so watch yourself. The "back" of the map (near the attacker's base) is alot more open and has a truck. The middle of the map and main entrances into the bases feature these "humps" or so i call them. Really its just a raised part of the floor made of bridges. It effectively breaks up the map, but still keeps it open at the same time. You can easily walk over them, dont worry. The height of the "humps" is jst enough to make a few crouch jumps possible onto some high ground that can prove very useful. The attacker and defender bases are very well balanced. The attacker's base has 2 brs, a hidden brute shot, two spikers, and a spike grenade. Another BR and a carbine is within easy reach of the base. There is a one-way passage out of the base that leads to the back hallway of the map. The defenders base also has the same exact weapons, except no one-way passage. The two entrances are closer together and the base has a larger raised portion, but is more confined and the side passage is very covered. A distraction at the main entrance could allow the bomb to slip in or the flag to slip out. There are 7 Brs, 2 carbines, 4 spikers, two plasma rifles, a shotgun, a plasma pistol, a few plasma/spike grenades and a power drain, regenerator, and bubble shield The equipment is all placed roughly between the two bases, so neither team gets a real advantage as far as equipment is concerned. Really, there is no "right" or "wrong" way to play the map. Sometimes you get grenade spam, sometimes you get cross-map BR battles, sometimes you get in each other's faces with the shotgun and duals. You just have to play it to get a sense of how the map plays. All i will say is that in larger parties the action seems to spread more to the corners, whereas in smaller parties the action mainly takes place in the center. Oh, and, be sure to give territories and KOTH a try. Very interesting stuff! _________________________________________________ And yes, i do have screenshots! The middle of the map. The "humps" look really low, but in the game it looks alot different. From one side, you actually cannot see another player on the other side. [img width=800 height=600]http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg226/WarlordAlpha/Mid.jpg[/img] Attacker's Base. You can see the one-way passage. Reason i say one-way is because it is impossible to grenade jump into it. [img width=800 height=600]http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg226/WarlordAlpha/AttackersBase.jpg[/img] Defender's Base. [img width=800 height=600]http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg226/WarlordAlpha/DefendersBase.jpg[/img] The back part of the map, the truck is visible. Also, when i took the screenshot i had forgot to place on more fence wall next to the others. In the game there would be another fence wall perpendicular to the one closest to the camera. [img width=800 height=600]http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg226/WarlordAlpha/BackofmapandUrban.jpg[/img] The underground area. Normally it would be covered by walls and it is impossible to get on top of the walls, but i deleted it all so you could see the floorplan and items inside. [img width=800 height=600]http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg226/WarlordAlpha/Undergroundwithoutroof.jpg[/img] Another overview of the map with the underground visible. You can also see my tower with the powerups. It spawns about 20 seconds into the game. [img width=800 height=600]http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg226/WarlordAlpha/Overviewwithoutroof.jpg[/img] So, what are you waiting for?! Download The Erratic
I like your post it is very detailed and describes the map wll but just a bit of advice those barriers you used look a little thrown ogrther and sloppy.
To be honest this map doesn't look interesting to me. It resembles a bunch of toddler building blocks stacked in random spots in my opinion. It may play half decent (I'll never know), but it looks pretty simple and basic. I hate to sound like a monger or something so I will at least say that it is a very nice post. **thumbs up!**
It looks alot more like an actual map when you play it because the roof is on the underground part. Right now it looks a little funny without it. _________________________________________________ Thanks. I tried my best to make the map unique but playable for alot of gametypes all at once. I think i did it pretty well. Slayer is alot of fun on this map. _________________________________________________ Well, i cant make a map but i guess i can post one...
You should take a pic with the roof on, and then show the same angle pic with the roof gone. Sorta like a before and after. Otherwise, the map looks good.
Great job with this map Alpha. I really like how it is set up for every gametype so people can play whatever they want on it. Also I llike how there are many different parts to the map like the underground, the urban, and the open areas. The humps also add to the gameplay and I like that. Also great post but you should add some gameplay pics.
Ok. I was thinking of doing that, but i just didnt want to for some reason. Im gonna anyways though. _________________________________________________ Thanks. I think ill add a few gameplay pics while i am adding the above. I just didnt want to overload the map with screenshots.
Well, certain ones. The ones that are standing up with the weapon holders arent meant to be, but the ones for cover are.