Sandbox Lucifugous v2.0

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Titmar, Mar 10, 2009.

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  1. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    Lucifugous v2.2

    Lucifugous v2.2(adjective; light-avoiding) (loo-sih-fuh-juss)

    created by Titmar.

    6 Players max. FFA ONLY!

    Lucifugous is map primarily made with FFA in mind. This map was not created with
    any specific intentions though, and as such may seem a bit odd in parts. The main
    reason for making this map was just to make a fun map that people can **** around in
    with FFA.

    I strongly urge players to give me feedback about the gameplay, i already know it isnt
    the greatest and i dont ever expect it to be, but i can at least fine-tune it a little bit with
    the help of the community.

    Well then, onward to the screenshots.


    This is a screen of what we will refer to as "Main Room 1." Main Room 1 contains BR
    spawn, Carbine, Needler, and Plasma Pistol. The rocket launcher spawns on the raised
    ledge around the tower in the center of the pic, 60 seconds into the game.

    This is another view in Main Room 1. The corner walls in this pic have since been
    re-interlocked to form a more pleasing barrier.

    In this pic you can see what I will call Main Room 2. There is a large central pillar in this
    room, and platforms that are around it so you can jump around up there. The sniper
    spawns on one of these platforms a minute into the game, as does the active camo. In
    the bottom of the pic, on ground level, you can see where the shotgun spawns. It has
    only one clip and a long respawn. There have been some slight changes since this pic also.

    This is Wood Room. It contains a BR spawn and leads toward a small interlocked tunnel
    structure, where players can find a bubble shield and plasma grenades in different places
    under the tunnel.

    Here we see a shot on the ground level of the Rear Room. Rear Room is accessible by a
    tunnel on the ground level of Main Room 2, a tunnel on the upper level of Main Room 2
    (seen in later screenshots) and also a doorway on the second level of Main Room 2. You
    can find a power drain and a BR spawn nearby. And yes, you are supposed to be able to
    hide under there. Players that are on the platform above can also toss grenades through a
    crack to kill campers underneath them.

    The same room in the previous shot, but with the camera angled upward so you guys
    can see my totally awesome ceiling. Go ahead, copy it, you know you want to.

    Heading up from the previous screenshot, players can follow a ramp/stairway thingy
    that leads up to a tunnel. This pathway is seen in the next 2 screenshots.

    Directly around the corner from the previous screenshot. SMG's spawn in this hall, and
    around the corner from where the dead body is, is where you can jump out to the
    platforms in Main Room 2 that I mentioned earlier.

    A view looking upwards in Main Room 2. I forgot to take a new screenshot, but it
    doesnt look quite like this anymore, The ceiling is cleaned up more. You can see the
    second level doorway that accesses Rear Room in this pic.

    This is a view looking from the platform around the pillar where the rockets spawn,
    down toward Wood Room and the interlocked tunnel thingy of walls. In this pic you can
    also see a tunnel entrance. This leads to a climbable tunnel, which you climb up and
    wind up at the top of the pic where you see the fusion coil, looking down on the other players.

    Looking up the climbable tunnel.

    This is a shot looking from the camo spawn toward the exact spot on the platform
    where the previous pic was taken from.

    Well, thats about it.

    I'd like to re-iterate that this map is not intended for large amounts of players, the
    spawns are already hectic enough in such a tight space with 6 people, it just gets to be
    annoying with any more than that. Also, seeing as the map is small and there aren't a
    million spawns, having more people can really screw it up.

    Feedback in all forms is welcomed and encouraged.

    Thanks to my friends and the staff for the feedback and pointers that were given during
    testing. I took most of your suggestions, but I didn't do the killball thing, sorry TSB.

    Halo 3 File Details

    #1 Titmar, Mar 10, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2009
  2. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    This is truly the most unique map ive seen so far on sandbox, and I am happy the maps brought you back into Halo, because it was clearly a waste that you were not forging all this time.

    The column you made from the tube pieces had my attention alone, and the map plays fairly well. Ill be on the lookout for the next map you release.
  3. TheRayzerTag

    TheRayzerTag Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, it really looks... big. The first enclosed Sanbox map I've seen so far, and a good one at that. BTW, I agree with the ceiling :). 4.6/5

    PS: a small tip, add some red and blue lights, it makes the rooms stand out more, and you don't have to give them numbers anymore :)
  4. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Wow this looks simply amazing. While everything looks very random, it looks planned out at the same time. The aesthetic value of this ranks very high and everything seems perfectly forged. I really like how you made this on the main level of Sandbox with walls and a ceiling instead of being lazy and putting just the floor plan in the skybubble. That alone along with everything else I see on this map will add another DL to the tally one your file share. Great job.
  5. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I've yet to actually play around on this, but damn does it look good. Great layout, great aesthetics. The amount of stuff you wasted just making things look good is astounding (in a good way, really). Definitely shows off what you can do with indoor spaces when you have this many items to play around with.


    Damn, you've gotta work out the spawns on this map. I'm sure somebody will be sending you a video with the camera locked on the corner spawn point in the big room. *shudders*
    #5 Cosmic Rick, Mar 10, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2009
  6. x Paralyze x

    x Paralyze x Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is in my opinion probably the best map I've yet seen on Sandbox.Mabie you could add a filter though to change the feel, and mabie a few light orbs?
  7. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    There are already two filters turned on,
    and I've used lights in the climbable tunnel area, and also in the Rear Room.
    The reason they aren't so noticeable is because they are placed behind objects,
    so that their light only slightly shines through. I like it.
  8. XxXShabutieXxX

    XxXShabutieXxX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I love the aesthetics of this map a ton (best I've seen yet) but I had a hard time getting around. The map had me confused from time to time and I felt a bit claustrophobic in some spots. I haven't played a regular game on it yet but when I do I'll update this post.
  9. Sethiroth87

    Sethiroth87 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks vary good. I am downloading right now and then i will play test it and report back with some news
  10. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    Yea... oh well. My next map is better and will have better spawns, this map was just for fun to fool around with different geometry and get a feel for ****.
    If you have any suggestions for an update to it though, I'd hear them happily.

    edit- spawn issues have since been fixed in the update
    #10 Titmar, Mar 11, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2009
  11. Minime637

    Minime637 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow this map looks stunning. the asthetics and overall layout of the map look amazing. i dont ahve much else to say

    im downloading it!

  12. SCUPizzaBoy

    SCUPizzaBoy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks fun for a game of infection. Do you have spawns set up for that?
  13. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
    Senior Member

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    What I find works well for FFA gametypes is to put a respawn area ithat covers each of the main areas and then number them 1-x, trying to keep any 2 areas that touch directly from having sequential numbers. The sequence seems to spawn players more randomly, but the base weighting keep anybody from being spawn-killed too often. Oh, and delete those stone bridges to free up some objects for spawn points. 8=not enough.

    Also, there's a grenade jump somewhere where you can just squeeze out from between the wall and the plank ceiling. It's an easy repositioning fix.
  14. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Holy **** my ass with a beer bottle!

    What an epic looking map. Damn you Titmar why could you not show me this before my Xbox broke?

    Love underground cave feel to the pics. And the ceiling structures you've come up with are just brilliant. The tunnel column in the first pic is genius as well.

    Don't know about gameplay but as far as aesthetics go this is one great looking map.
  15. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, it was a lot of mayhem and melees. I know you got screwed on the spawn points and respawn areas, but the overall structure and layout is insanely creative. I'm really glad you opened up that main room. With a couple of spawn tweaks, this could be a pretty cool 2v2 map, but it just wasn't set up right for 6 man FFA. I take that back - a competitive 6 man FFA. I thought it was fun as hell killing a bunch of people better than me, lol
  16. MASTER016

    MASTER016 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this is probably the best map i have seen so far on sand box i hope the floors are all interlocked because people haven't really interlocked or even made sure they were flat and it is really annoying but this is worth my download hope to see another great map from u
  17. JamesButlin

    JamesButlin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm going to go with a lot of users and say that at a first glance, this looks like the best map i've seen created on sandbox so far! A lot better than the one bungie featured!

    I'm gonna set it to download and have a play around then come back and probably praise it some more! :D
    Nice job.


    Played the map, even more impressed. Very VERY nice. Can't wait to play it with friends :D
    #17 JamesButlin, Mar 11, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2009
  18. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
    Senior Member

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    So I played it, and I was very impressed. I especially loved the tube with the multiple ledges, and that low ceiling room.

    I think there may be a reallt OTT way of getting out the map, but it involves pushing fusion coils all around the ma['s out rim, so I wouldn't worry too much.

    And good choice of Filters.
  19. YungDiezel512

    YungDiezel512 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like how it seems as if your in a large building, no escape, and lots of tunnels,
    the design is spectacular and looks original,

  20. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the positive comments, and the advice on the respawn areas.
    Unfortunately, for the time being I don't think i will be attacking the spawn problems on the map.
    I am consumed with other map projects (as I am sure many of us are) and I also am adverse to deleting the stone bridges that make up the ceiling of the rampway to free up more objects to place more spawns. I think that it adds a really good aesthetic to that area and unfortunately it wastes items in doing so.

    Cant say much in my defense on the gameplay of the map, and I humbly admit that in order to re-tune the spawning and gameplay on this map I will probably need the assistance of a fellow forger...

    If anyone wants to volunteer to work out these kinks with me, I'd be happy to hop back into it and update it as soon as possible, but otherwise I feel that I will be moving on to other projects.
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