Has anyone seen, or does anyone have the link to a great Halo 3 fan-made movie trailer. The specific one I'm looking for is set to the tune (I believe) of Lux Aeterna, has a beginning scene from iRobot and uses scenes from real life movies, not ingame cutscenes.
Thats pretty cool carter,altho imo it all looks too plasticy to be a real trailer Like everything is made of really detailed playdo or something, Also one of the comments says its a halo 3 miniseries that was cancelled Great find tho
here you go i got a good quality halo movie trailer for ya'll (btw they actually made 12 real warthogs!) [youtube]zV45BaCwMQs[/youtube]
LoL guys.. this isn't even the entire clip. If you wanna see it in it's entirety and in great quality of course. Go to the downloads section for Halo3 in the Xbox marketplace. **thumbs up!**
The full thing is actually much better than this Its called landfall in the marketplace,i just watched it,itll take a good 20 mins or more to DL tho so beware
That video isn't the video Coolant is looking for, it's the combined shorts that they made before Halo 3 released. As far as the video Coolant os looking for I'm not quite sure I've seen it. How long has it been floating?
I've known about the Blomkamp shorts for a while now, and it's not what I'm looking for. The trailer came out much before the shorts and used scenes from movies, not specially made clips for the trailer.